Virtual LANs (VLANs)

Virtual LANs (VLANs)

In this chapter, you’ll apprentice the commands on how to create

VLANs, put ports into VLANs, configure trunks and trunking

protocols, configure VTP and all its options, configure inter-

VLAN routing, and attending at VLAN analysis information.

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Understanding VLAN Basics

Here’s a abbreviate account of means that configuring VLANs can advice abridge arrangement management:

Network adds, moves, and changes are accomplished with affluence by aloof configuring a anchorage into

the adapted VLAN.

A accumulation of users that needs an almighty aerial akin of aegis can be put into their own

VLAN so that users alfresco the VLAN can’t acquaint with them.

As a analytic alignment of users by function, VLANs can be advised absolute from

their concrete or geographic locations.

VLANs abundantly enhance arrangement security.

VLANs access the cardinal of advertisement domains while abbreviating their size.