Time-based ACLs work a lot like extended ACLs do, but their type of access control is totally
time-oriented. Basically, you specify a certain time of day and week and then identify that particular
period by giving it a name referenced by a task. So, by necessity, the reference function
will fall under whatever time constraints you’ve dictated. The time period is based upon the
router’s clock, but I highly recommend using it in conjunction with Network Time Protocol
(NTP) synchronization.
Here’s an example of the command in Table 7.10:
and the options (see Table 7.11):
TABLE 7 . 1 0 Timed Access List Commands
Command Meaning
time-range Configures a time range value to be added to an access list as
an option to control traffic and access by time
TABLE 7 . 1 1 Timed Access List Options
Option Meaning