Timed Access List Options Option Meaning

Timed Access List Options
Option Meaning

Periodic Specifies how the time range will act or be created, allowing
specific time values to be set
hh:mm Specifies time values for when the range will start and stop on
specific days

Here is an example of the time-based ACL’s:
Corp#config t
Corp(config)#time-range no-http
Corp(config-time-range)#periodic we?
Wednesday weekdays weekend
Corp(config-time-range)#periodic weekend ?
hh:mm Starting time
Corp(config-time-range)#periodic weekend 06:00 to 12:00
Corp(config)#time-range tcp-yes
Corp(config-time-range)#periodic weekend 06:00 to 12:00
Corp(config)#ip access-list extended Time
Corp(config-ext-nacl)#deny tcp any any eq www time-range no-http
Corp(config-ext-nacl)#permit tcp any any time-range tcp-yes
Corp(config-ext-nacl)#interface f0/0
Corp(config-if)#ip access-group Time in
Corp(config-if)#do show time-range
time-range entry: no-http (inactive)
periodic weekdays 8:00 to 15:00
used in: IP ACL entry
time-range entry: tcp-yes (inactive)
periodic weekend 8:00 to 13:00
used in: IP ACL entry
The time-range command is pretty flexible and will drive users crazy if you deny them
access to basic network access or the Internet during off-hours. Be careful with the previous
commands; make sure you test your list on a nonproduction network before you implement
the lists on your production network.