EIGRP Route Authentication

EIGRP Route Authentication
key number In key chain configuration mode, identify the key number
key-string text In key chain key configure mode, identify the key string
accept-lifetime start-time (optional) specify the time period during which the key can
be received
send-lifetime start-time (optional) specify the time period during which the key can
be sent
Let’s take a look at these commands as used on a Cisco router:
Corp#config t
Corp(config)#int s0/0/1
Corp(config-if)#ip authentication mode eigrp 10 md5
Corp(config-if)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 10 todd
Corp(config)#key chain todd
Corp(config-keychain)#key 1
Corp(config-keychain-key)#key-string 1234567890
Corp(config-keychain-key)#accept-lifetime 04:00:00 Jan 14 2008 infinite
Corp(config)#send-lifetime 04:00:00 Jan 14 2008 04:50:00 Jan 14 2008
Now, let’s verify EIGRP.