Simple Verification of NAT
Table 8.6 is a list of commands you can use to verify NAT on your router:
Once you have configured the type of NAT you are going to use, typically Overload (PAT),
you need to be able to verify the configuration.
To see basic IP address translation information, use the following command:
show ip nat translation
TABLE 8 . 6
NAT Verification Commands
Command Meaning
show ip nat translation
Shows the basic translation table. This is probably one of the
most important NAT command for verification.
debug ip nat Shows the sending address, the translation, and the destination
address on each debug line.
show ip nat statistics Shows a summary of your configuration, your active translations,
and the inside and outside interfaces that are being used.
When looking at the IP NAT translations, you may see many translations from the same
host to the same host at the destination. This is typical of many connections to the Web. Here
is an example:
Router#sh ip nat trans
Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global
In addition, you can verify your NAT configuration with the debug ip nat command.
This output will show the sending address, the translation, and the destination address on each
debug line:
Router#debug ip nat
*May 9 22:57:47.679: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.679: NAT*: s=>, d= [0]
*May 9 22:57:47.683: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:47.683: NAT*: s=, d=> [0]
*May 9 22:57:47.699: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.699: NAT*: s=>, d= [1]
*May 9 22:57:47.703: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:47.703: NAT*: s=, d=> [1]
*May 9 22:57:47.707: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.707: NAT*: s=>, d= [2]
*May 9 22:57:47.711: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.711: NAT*: s=>, d= [3]
*May 9 22:57:47.719: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:47.719: NAT*: s=, d=> [2]
*May 9 22:57:47.723: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:47.723: NAT*: s=, d=> [3]
*May 9 22:57:47.723: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.723: NAT*: s=>, d= [4]
*May 9 22:57:47.731: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.731: NAT*: s=>, d= [5]
*May 9 22:57:47.735: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:47.735: NAT*: s=, d=> [4]
*May 9 22:57:47.735: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.735: NAT*: s=>, d= [6]
*May 9 22:57:47.747: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.747: NAT*: s=>, d= [7]
*May 9 22:57:47.951: NAT*: TCP s=11000->1024, d=23
*May 9 22:57:47.951: NAT*: s=>, d= [8]
*May 9 22:57:48.103: NAT*: TCP s=23, d=1024->11000
*May 9 22:57:48.103: NAT*: s=, d=> [5]
Now, let’s use the command show ip nat statistics on the router:
Corp#sh ip nat stat
Total active translations: 2 (0 static, 2 dynamic; 2 extended)
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
FastEthernet0/1, Serial0/0/0, Serial0/0/1, Serial0/1/0
Hits: 269 Misses: 13
CEF Translated packets: 227, CEF Punted packets: 0
Expired translations: 27
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[Id: 1] access-list 1 pool Todd refcount 2
pool Todd: netmask
start end
type generic, total addresses 1, allocated 1 (100%), misses 0
Queued Packets: 0
What you can see here is a summary of the configuration, the two active translations, and the
inside and outside interfaces that are being used. The pool is listed right there toward the bottom
of the output. And it all looks good, so it’s time to move on to configuring NAT using SDM.