Layer-2 Switching and Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP)

Layer-2 Switching
and Spanning-Tree
Protocol (STP)

When Cisco discusses switching, it’s talking about layer-2

switching unless contrarily mentioned.

Layer-2 switching

is the

process of application the accouterments abode of accessories on a LAN to

segment a network. In this affiliate I’ll focus on the particulars of layer-2 switching so you can

understand how it works.

OK, you apperceive that switching break up ample blow domains into abate ones and that

a blow area is a arrangement articulation with two or added accessories administration the aforementioned bandwidth.

A hub arrangement is a archetypal archetype of this blazon of technology. But back anniversary anchorage on

a about-face is absolutely its own blow domain, you can accomplish a abundant bigger Ethernet LAN

network aloof by replacing your hubs with switches!

Routing protocols accept processes for endlessly arrangement loops from occurring at the

Network layer. However, if you accept bombastic concrete links amid your switches, routing

protocols won’t do a affair to stop loops from occurring at the Data Link layer. That’s exactly

the acumen Spanning-Tree Protocol was developed—to put a stop to loops in a layer-2

switched network.