UplinkFast allows a switch to find alternate paths to the root bridge before the primary link
fails. What this means is that if the primary link fails, the secondary link would come up more
quickly—the port wouldn’t wait for the normal STP convergence time of 50 seconds.
Switch(config)#spanning-tree uplinkfast ?
max-update-rate Rate at which station address updates are sent
UplinkFast is enabled
Station update rate set to 150 packets/sec.
UplinkFast statistics
Number of transitions via uplinkFast (all VLANs) : 1
Number of proxy multicast addresses transmitted (all VLANs) : 8
Name Interface List
-------------------- ------------------------------------
VLAN0001 Fa0/1(fwd), Fa0/2
The uplinkfast command is a global command, and it’s enabled on every port.