Telnetting into Assorted Accessories Simultaneously 67

Telnetting into Assorted Accessories Simultaneously

If you telnet to a router or switch, you can end the affiliation by application avenue at any time. But

what if you appetite to accumulate your affiliation to a alien accessory but still appear aback to your original

router console? To do that, you can columnist the Ctrl+Shift+6 key combination, absolution it, and

then columnist X.

Here’s an archetype of abutting to assorted accessories from my console:


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification




In this example, I telnetted to the R1 router and again typed the countersign to access user

mode. I abutting apprenticed Ctrl+Shift+6 and again X (but you can’t see that because it doesn’t show

on the awning output). Notice that my command alert is now aback at the Router# prompt.

Using Telnet

Using Telnet

Telnet, allotment of the TCP/IP agreement suite, is a able affairs that allows your computer to

act like a impaired terminal and run programs on addition computer. Table 2.11 shows the commands

you charge to know:

TABLE 2 . 1 1 Telnet Commands

Command Meaning

telnet Makes your terminal a impaired terminal. You

can alone run programs on addition computer,

not archetype files.

show sessions Shows the routers into which you are telnetted.

show users Shows the routers that are telnetted into your


exit Closes a Telnet session.

disconnect Closes a alien Telnet session.

clear band line-number Clears a affair affiliated to your router.

Telnet is a basic terminal agreement that allows you to affix to alien devices, gather

information, and run programs.

You can affair the telnet command from any router prompt, like this:


Trying ... Open

Password required, but none set

[Connection to bankrupt by adopted host]


As you can see, I didn’t set my passwords—how embarrassing! Remember that the VTY

ports on a router are configured as login, acceptation you accept to either set the VTY passwords

or use the no login command.

On a Cisco router, you don’t charge to use the telnet command; you can aloof blazon in an IP

address from a command prompt, and the router will accept you appetite to telnet to the device.

Here’s how that looks by application aloof the IP address:


Trying ... Open

Password required, but none set

[Connection to bankrupt by adopted host]


Gathering Port and Interface Information

Gathering Port and Interface Information
The show cdp interface command gives you the CDP status on router interfaces or switch
Router#sh cdp interface
FastEthernet0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down
Encapsulation ARPA
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation ARPA
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation HDLC
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Serial0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation HDLC
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Serial0/1/0 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation HDLC
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Serial0/2/0 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation HDLC
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds

Gathering Interface Cartage Information

Gathering Interface Cartage Information

The appearance cdp cartage command displays advice about interface traffic, including the

number of CDP packets beatific and accustomed and the errors with CDP.

The afterward achievement shows the appearance cdp cartage command acclimated on the Corp router:

Router#sh cdp traffic

CDP counters :

Total packets output: 911, Input: 524

Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, Encaps failed: 2

No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0, Fragmented: 0

CDP adaptation 1 advertisements output: 0, Input: 0

CDP adaptation 2 advertisements output: 911, Input: 524


Gathering Neighbor Information

Gathering Neighbor Information
I can’t stress to you enough how important CDP is. Let’s go through the CDP commands and
please study the output.
The following output shows the show cdp neighbor command used on my ISR router:
Router#sh cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
ap Fas 0/1 165 T I AIR-AP124 Fas 0
R2 Ser 0/1/0 140 R S I 2801 Ser 0/2/0
R3 Ser 0/0/1 157 R S I 1841 Ser 0/0/1
R1 Ser 0/2/0 154 R S I 1841 Ser 0/0/1
R1 Ser 0/0/0 154 R S I 1841 Ser 0/0/0
Another command that will deliver the goods on neighbor information is the show cdp
neighbor detail command (show cdp nei de for short). This command can be run on both
routers and switches, and it displays detailed information about each device connected to the
device on which you’re running the command. Check out this router output for an example:
Router#sh cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: R2
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 2801, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: Serial0/1/0, Port ID (outgoing port): Serial0/2/0
Holdtime : 135 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, 2801 Software (C2801-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Experimental
Version 12.4(20050525:193634) [jezhao-ani 145]
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 27-May-05 23:53 by jezhao
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Corp#show cdp entry * protocol
Protocol information for ap :
IP address:
Protocol information for R2 :
IP address:
Protocol information for R3 :
IP address:
Protocol information for R1 :
IP address:
Protocol information for R1 :
IP address:
Corp#show cdp entry * version
Version information for ap :
Cisco IOS Software, C1240 Software (C1240-K9W7-M), Version 12.3(8)JEA,
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 23-Aug-06 16:45 by kellythw

Version information for R2 :
Cisco IOS Software, 2801 Software (C2801-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Experimental
Version 12.4(20050525:193634) [jezhao-ani 145]
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 27-May-05 23:53 by jezhao
Version information for R3 :
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-IPBASE-M), Version 12.4(1c), RELEASE
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 25-Oct-05 17:10 by evmiller
[output cut]

Getting CDP Timers and Holdtime Information

Getting CDP Timers and Holdtime Information

I’ll alpha with the basal commands that call how CDP works, and again I’ll appearance how to

use CDP to accumulate added avant-garde information. Table 2.10 shows a account of the CDP commands.

You charge apperceive these!

TABLE 2 . 1 0 Cisco Discovery Protocol

Command Meaning

show CDP Displays CDP timer and holdtime values

CDP holdtime Configures the CDP holdtimer

CDP timer Configures the CDP timer

CDP accredit Globally enables CDP; to disable, use the no anatomy of the command

show CDP acquaintance Displays advice about anon affiliated neighbors

show CDP acquaintance detail Displays abundant advice about neighbors including IOS

and layer-3 information

show CDP access * agreement Displays aloof the layer-3 information, such as the IP address

show CDP access * adaptation Displays the adaptation advice of anon affiliated neighbors

show CDP cartage Displays interface CDP cartage statistics

show CDP interface Displays interface cachet information

The cdp timer and holdtime is about never changed, but you can and actuality is how you

would do that:

 The CDP timer is how generally CDP packets are transmitted to all alive interfaces.

 The CDP holdtime is the bulk of time that the accessory will authority packets accustomed from

neighbor devices.

Router#sh cdp

Global CDP information:

Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds

Sending a holdtime amount of 180 seconds

Sending CDPv2 advertisements is enabled

Router(config)#cdp ?

advertise-v2 CDP sends version-2 advertisements

holdtime Specify the holdtime (in sec) to be beatific in packets

log Log letters generated by CDP

run Accredit CDP

source-interface Insert the interface's IP in all CDP packets

timer Specify amount (in sec) at which CDP packets are beatific run

Router (config)#cdp holdtime ?

<10-255> Length of time (in sec) that receiver charge accumulate this packet

Router (config)#cdp timer ?

<5-254> Amount at which CDP packets are beatific (in sec)

Using Cisco Discovery Agreement (CDP)

Using Cisco Discovery Agreement (CDP)

Cisco Discovery Agreement (CDP) is a proprietary agreement advised by Cisco to advice administrators

collect advice about both locally absorbed and alien devices. By application CDP,

you can accumulate accouterments and agreement advice about acquaintance devices, which is useful

information for troubleshooting and documenting the network!

In the afterward sections, I’ll altercate the CDP timer and CDP commands acclimated to verify your


Using the Cisco IOS File System to Manage Your Router’s Configuration (Cisco IFS)

Using the Cisco IOS File System to Manage Your
Router’s Configuration (Cisco IFS)
Using the old, faithful copy command is still useful, and I recommend it. However, you still
need to know about the Cisco IFS. I’ll first show how to use the show file command to see

the contents of NVRAM and RAM:
Router#show file information nvram:startup-config
type is config
Router#cd nvram:
Directory of nvram:/
190 -rw- 830 startup-config
191 ---- 5 private-config
192 -rw- 830 underlying-config
1 -rw- 0 ifIndex-table
196600 bytes total (194689 bytes free)
Router#cd system:
Router#dir ?
/all List all files
/recursive List files recursively
all-filesystems List files on all filesystems
archive: Directory or file name
cns: Directory or file name
flash: Directory or file name
null: Directory or file name
nvram: Directory or file name
system: Directory or file name
xmodem: Directory or file name
ymodem: Directory or file name

Directory of system:/
3 dr-x 0 lib
33 dr-x 0 memory
1 -rw- 750 running-config
2 dr-x 0 vfiles
Router#config net
Host or network configuration file [host]?[enter]
This command has been replaced by the command:
'copy system:/running-config'
Address or name of remote host []?
Router#copy tftp:// system://running-config
Destination filename [running-config]?[enter]
Accessing tftp:// todd-confg from (via
FastEthernet0/0): !
[OK - 776 bytes]
776 bytes copied in 13.816 secs (56 bytes/sec)
*Mar 10 22:12:59.819: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from tftp://
by console

Erasing the Configuration

Erasing the Configuration

To annul the startup-config book on a Cisco router, use the command abolish startup-config,

like this:

Router#erase startup-config

Erasing the nvram filesystem will abolish all agreement files! Continue?



Erase of nvram: complete

*Mar 7 17:56:20.407: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram


System agreement has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:n

Proceed with reload? [confirm][enter]

*Mar 7 17:56:31.059: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload

Reason: Reload Command.

This command deletes the capacity of NVRAM on the router. By accounting reload at privileged

mode and accounting no to extenuative the changes, the router will reload and appear up into bureaucracy mode.

Restoring the Cisco Router Configuration

Restoring the Cisco Router Configuration

If you did archetype the router’s agreement to a TFTP server as a additional backup, you can restore

the agreement application the archetype tftp running-config command (copy tftp run for

short) or the archetype tftp startup-config command (copy tftp alpha for short), as shown

here (the old command that provides this action is config net):

Router#copy tftp running-config

Address or name of alien host []?

Source filename []?todd-confg

Destination filename[running-config]?[enter]

Accessing tftp://

Loading todd-confg from (via FastEthernet0/0): !

[OK - 776 bytes]

776 bytes affected in 9.212 secs (84 bytes/sec)


*Mar 7 17:53:34.071: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from tftp://

by console


Copying the Configuration to a TFTP Server

Copying the Configuration to a TFTP Server

Once the book is affected to NVRAM, you can accomplish a additional advancement to a TFTP server by using

the archetype running-config tftp command (copy run tftp for short), like this:

Router#copy running-config tftp

Address or name of alien host []?

Destination filename [router-confg]?todd-confg


776 bytes affected in 0.800 secs (970 bytes/sec)


Copying the Accepted Agreement to NVRAM

Copying the Accepted Agreement to NVRAM

You’ll again charge to archetype the accepted agreement to NVRAM:

Router#copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]?[enter]

Building configuration...



Router#copy running-config ?

archive: Archetype to archive: book system

flash: Archetype to flash: book system

ftp: Archetype to ftp: book system

http: Archetype to http: book system

https: Archetype to https: book system

ips-sdf Update (merge with) IPS signature configuration

null: Archetype to null: book system

nvram: Archetype to nvram: book system

rcp: Archetype to rcp: book system

running-config Update (merge with) accepted arrangement configuration

scp: Archetype to scp: book system

startup-config Archetype to startup configuration

syslog: Archetype to syslog: book system

system: Archetype to system: book system

tftp: Archetype to tftp: book system

xmodem: Archetype to xmodem: book system

ymodem: Archetype to ymodem: book system

Verifying the Stored Configuration

Verifying the Stored Configuration

Next, you should analysis the agreement stored in NVRAM. To see this, use the show

startup-config command (sh alpha for short), like this:

Router#show startup-config

Using 776 out of 245752 bytes


version 12.4

Verifying the Current Configuration

Verifying the Current Configuration
To verify the configuration in DRAM, use the show running-config command (sh run for
short), like this:
Router#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 776 bytes
version 12.4

Backing Up the Cisco Router Configuration

Backing Up the Cisco Router Configuration
The file commands you’ll need are listed in Table 2.9:
TABLE 2 . 9 Verifying and Backing up your configuraiton
Command Meaning
show running-config Displays the running configuration file from RAM
show startup-config Displays the start-up configuration file from NVRAM
copy Copies configuration and image files
erase Deletes configuration and image files

Backing Up and Restoring the Cisco Configuration

Backing Up and Restoring the

Cisco Configuration

Any changes you accomplish to the router agreement are stored in the running-config file. And

if you don’t access a archetype run alpha command afterwards you accomplish a change to running-config,

that change will go “poof!” if the router reboots or gets powered down. So, you apparently want

to accomplish addition advancement of the agreement advice aloof in case the router or about-face completely

dies on you. Even if your apparatus is advantageous and happy, the advancement is acceptable to accept for

reference and affidavit reasons.

In the afterward sections, I’ll call how to archetype the agreement of a router to a TFTP

server and how to restore that configuration.

Using the Cisco IOS File System (Cisco IFS)

Using the Cisco IOS File System (Cisco IFS)
Cisco has created a file system called Cisco IFS that allows you to work with files and directories
just like you would from a Windows DOS prompt.
You use Cisco IFS commands pretty much the same way you use the copy command
described earlier:
 For backing up the IOS
 For upgrading the IOS
 For viewing text files
The Cisco IFS Commands
Command Meaning
PWD Shows the working directory
show file Gives you information about a specified file or file system
dir Lets you view files in a directory (the default directory is flash:/)
copy Upgrades, restores, or backs up an IOS
more Displays the contents of a file
delete Deletes a file from a system or directory
erase/format Erases or formats a file system
CD Changes directories
MKDIR/RMDIR Creates and deletes directories

These Cisco IFS commands can get confusing. Let’s work through a few of them:
Directory of flash:/
1 -rw- 13937472 Dec 20 2006 19:58:18 +00:00 c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin
2 -rw- 1821 Dec 20 2006 20:11:24 +00:00 sdmconfig-18xx.cfg
3 -rw- 4734464 Dec 20 2006 20:12:00 +00:00 sdm.tar
4 -rw- 833024 Dec 20 2006 20:12:24 +00:00 es.tar
5 -rw- 1052160 Dec 20 2006 20:12:50 +00:00 common.tar
6 -rw- 1038 Dec 20 2006 20:13:10 +00:00 home.shtml
7 -rw- 102400 Dec 20 2006 20:13:30 +00:00 home.tar
8 -rw- 491213 Dec 20 2006 20:13:56 +00:00 128MB.sdf
9 -rw- 1684577 Dec 20 2006 20:14:34 +00:00 securedesktop-ios-
10 -rw- 398305 Dec 20 2006 20:15:04 +00:00 sslclient-win-

32071680 bytes total (8818688 bytes free)
Router#show file info flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin
type is image (elf) []
file size is 13937472 bytes, run size is 14103140 bytes
Runnable image, entry point 0x8000F000, run from ram
Router#delete flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin
Delete filename [c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin]?[enter]
Delete flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin? [confirm][enter]
Router#sh flash
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 1821 Dec 20 2006 20:11:24 +00:00 sdmconfig-18xx.cfg
2 4734464 Dec 20 2006 20:12:00 +00:00 sdm.tar
3 833024 Dec 20 2006 20:12:24 +00:00 es.tar
4 1052160 Dec 20 2006 20:12:50 +00:00 common.tar
5 1038 Dec 20 2006 20:13:10 +00:00 home.shtml
6 102400 Dec 20 2006 20:13:30 +00:00 home.tar
7 491213 Dec 20 2006 20:13:56 +00:00 128MB.sdf
8 1684577 Dec 20 2006 20:14:34 +00:00 securedesktop-ios-
9 398305 Dec 20 2006 20:15:04 +00:00 sslclient-win-
22757376 bytes available (9314304 bytes used)
R1#sh file info flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin
%Error opening flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin (File not found)
Router#copy tftp:// flash:/ c1841-
Source filename [/c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-12.bin/]?[enter]
Destination filename [c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-12.bin]?[enter]
Loading /c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-12.bin/ from (via FastEthernet0/
0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[output cut]
[OK - 22103052 bytes]
22103052 bytes copied in 72.008 secs (306953 bytes/sec)
Router#sh flash
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 1821 Dec 20 2006 20:11:24 +00:00 sdmconfig-18xx.cfg
2 4734464 Dec 20 2006 20:12:00 +00:00 sdm.tar
3 833024 Dec 20 2006 20:12:24 +00:00 es.tar
4 1052160 Dec 20 2006 20:12:50 +00:00 common.tar
5 1038 Dec 20 2006 20:13:10 +00:00 home.shtml
6 102400 Dec 20 2006 20:13:30 +00:00 home.tar
7 491213 Dec 20 2006 20:13:56 +00:00 128MB.sdf
8 1684577 Dec 20 2006 20:14:34 +00:00 securedesktop-ios-
9 398305 Dec 20 2006 20:15:04 +00:00 sslclient-win-
10 22103052 Mar 10 2007 19:40:50 +00:00 c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-12.bin
651264 bytes available (31420416 bytes used)
Router#sh file information flash:c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-12.bin
type is image (elf) []
file size is 22103052 bytes, run size is 22268736 bytes
Runnable image, entry point 0x8000F000, run from ram

Backing Up the Cisco IOS

Backing Up the Cisco IOS
The copy command has become more powerful over the past few years. Let’s use it to discuss
backing up the IOS of a router. There are various places to back up an IOS, and a TFTP server
is a common place.
The copy command shown in Table 2.7 allows us to manage our file systems:
There are many new options that are part of the copy command in the new ISR routers.
The most important of these is the copy flash tftp and copy tftp flash commands. Let’s take
a look:
Router#copy ?
/erase Erase destination file system.
/noverify Don't verify image signature before reload.
/verify Verify image signature before reload.
archive: Copy from archive: file system
cns: Copy from cns: file system
flash: Copy from flash: file system
ftp: Copy from ftp: file system
http: Copy from http: file system
https: Copy from https: file system
ips-sdf Copy from current IPS signature configuration
null: Copy from null: file system
nvram: Copy from nvram: file system
pram: Copy from pram: file system
rcp: Copy from rcp: file system
running-config Copy from current system configuration
scp: Copy from scp: file system
startup-config Copy from startup configuration
system: Copy from system: file system
tftp: Copy from tftp: file system
xmodem: Copy from xmodem: file system
ymodem: Copy from ymodem: file system
Router#copy flash tftp
Source filename []?c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin]?[enter]
21710744 bytes copied in 60.724 secs (357532 bytes/sec)

Restoring or Upgrading the Cisco Router IOS

Restoring or Upgrading the Cisco Router IOS

What happens if you charge to restore the Cisco IOS to beam anamnesis to alter an aboriginal file

that has been damaged or if you appetite to advancement the IOS? You can download the book from a

TFTP server to beam anamnesis by application the archetype tftp beam command:

Router#copy tftp flash

Address or name of alien host []?

Source filename []?c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin

Destination filename [c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin]?[enter]

%Warning:There is a book already absolute with this name

Do you appetite to over write? [confirm][enter]

Accessing tftp://

Loading c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin from (via FastEthernet0/0):



[OK - 21710744 bytes]

21710744 bytes affected in 82.880 secs (261954 bytes/sec)


Verifying Flash Memory

Verifying Flash Memory
The ISR router shown in Table 2.6 has 64MB of RAM, and roughly half of the memory is in use.
The show flash and show version are probably two of your most important commands.
Let’s go through the outputs of each:
Router#sh flash
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 21710744 Jan 2 2007 22:41:14 +00:00 c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin
[output cut]
32989184 bytes available (31027200 bytes used)
The amount of flash is actually easier to tally using the show version command on the ISR
Router#show version
[output cut]
Cisco 2811 (revision 49.46) with 249856K/12288K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FTX1049A1AB
2 FastEthernet interfaces
4 Serial(sync/async) interfaces
1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.
239K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)

Backing Up and Restoring the Cisco IOS

Backing Up and Restoring the Cisco IOS
Before you upgrade or restore a Cisco IOS, you really should copy the existing file to a TFTP
host as a backup just in case the new image crashes and burns.
But before you back up or restore an IOS image, you need to check these things:
 Make sure you can access the network server.
 Ensure that the network server has adequate space for the code image.
 Verify the file naming and path requirement.
 The copy flash tftp command must be supplied with the IP address of the workstation
if you are copying from the router flash.
 And if you’re copying “into” flash, you need to verify there’s enough room in flash memory
to accommodate the file to be copied.

Using Cossack Arrangement Commands

Using Cossack Arrangement Commands

There are some cossack commands you can comedy with that will advice you administer the way your

router boots the Cisco IOS, but let’s remember, we’re talking about the router’s IOS here, not

the router’s configuration! To change the IOS the router loads, use the cossack command in

Table 2.5:

The cossack command has a lot of options. Let’s booty a attending at the best important ones:


Router#config t

Enter agreement commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Router(config)#boot ?

bootstrap Bootstrap angel file

config Agreement file

host Router-specific config file

network Network-wide config file

system Arrangement angel file

The cossack arrangement command will acquiesce you to acquaint the router which book to cossack from flash


Router(config)#boot arrangement ?

WORD TFTP filename or URL

flash Cossack from beam memory

ftp Cossack from a server via ftp

mop Cossack from a Decnet MOP server

rcp Cossack from a server via rcp

rom Cossack from rom

tftp Cossack from a tftp server

Router(config)#boot arrangement beam c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin

Resetting the Configuration Register and Reloading the Router

Resetting the Configuration Register and Reloading the Router
After you’re finished changing passwords, set the configuration register back to the default
value with the config-register command:
config t
config-register 0x2102
Finally, save the new configuration by typing copy running-config startup-config, and
reload the router. I will discuss in more detail the use of the copy command in a minute.

Cisco ISR/2600 Series Commands

Cisco ISR/2600 Series Commands
To change the bit value on a Cisco ISR/2600 series router, you just enter the command at the
rommon 1> prompt:
rommon 1 >confreg 0x2142
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
rommon 2 >reset

Viewing and Changing the Configuration

Viewing and Changing the Configuration
Now you’re past the point where you would need to enter the user-mode and privileged-mode
passwords in a router. Copy the startup-config file to the running-config file:
copy startup-config running-config
or use the following shortcut:
copy start run
The configuration is now running in random access memory (RAM), and you’re in privileged
mode, meaning you can now view and change the configuration. But you can’t view the
enable secret setting for the password since it is encrypted. To change the password, do this:
config t
enable secret todd

Reloading the Router and Entering Privileged Mode

Reloading the Router and Entering Privileged Mode
At this point, you need to reset the router like this:
 From the ISR/2600 series router, type I (for initialize) or reset.
 From the 2500 series router, type I.
The router will reload and ask whether you want to use setup mode (because no startupconfig
is used). Type no to enter setup mode, press Enter to go into user mode, and then type
enable to go into privileged mode.

Interrupting the Router Cossack Sequence

Interrupting the Router Cossack Sequence

Your aboriginal footfall is to cossack the router and accomplish a break. This is usually done by acute the

Ctrl+Break key aggregate back application HyperTerminal while the router aboriginal reboots.

After you’ve performed a break, you should see article like this for a 2600 alternation router

(it is appealing abundant the aforementioned achievement for the ISR series):

System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.

TAC:Home:SW:IOS:Specials for info

PC = 0xfff0a530, Vector = 0x500, SP = 0x680127b0

C2600 belvedere with 32768 Kbytes of capital memory

PC = 0xfff0a530, Vector = 0x500, SP = 0x80004374

monitor: command "boot" aborted due to user interrupt

rommon 1 >

Notice the line

monitor: command "boot" aborted due to user interrupt

. At this

point, you will be at the

rommon 1>

prompt, which is called

ROM adviser mode

Configuration Register Commands Command Meaning

Configuration Register Commands

Command Meaning

Ctrl+Break Key aggregate acclimated to arrest router cossack sequence


Rommon command for modifying the agreement register


Directs the router area to amount the IOS and agreement files from

copy alpha run

Copies the startup-config book to RAM and names it running-config

config t Takes you to all-around config

enable secret


Sets the accredit password

reload Reboots the router

Recovering Passwords

Recovering Passwords

If you’re bound out of a router because you forgot the password, you can change the configuration

register to advice you get aback on your feet.

To balance a password, you charge to about-face on bit 6. Doing this will acquaint the router to ignore

the NVRAM contents. The agreement annals amount to about-face on bit 6 is 0x2142.

Here are the capital accomplish to countersign recovery:


Boot the router and arrest the cossack arrangement by assuming a break, which will take

the router into ROM adviser mode.


Change the agreement annals to about-face on bit 6 (with the amount 0x2142).


Reload the router.


Enter advantaged mode.


Copy the startup-config book to running-config.


Change the password.


Reset the agreement annals to the absence value.


Save the router configuration.


Reload the router (optional).

Changing the Configuration Register

Changing the Configuration Register
You can change the configuration register value to modify how the router boots and runs.
These are the main reasons you would want to change the configuration register:

To force the system into the ROM monitor mode

To select a boot source and default boot filename

To enable or disable the

To control broadcast addresses

To set the console terminal baud rate

To load operating software from ROM

To enable booting from a TFTP server

Configuration Register
Command Meaning
config-register Directs the router where to load the IOS and configuration files from
show flash Displays a list of directories and files in flash memory

Here is an example of how to change the configuration register and then I’ll show you how
to verify:
config-register 0x2101
sh ver
[output cut]
Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x2101 at next
Here is the router after setting the configuration register to 0x2101 and reloading:
sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVSECURITYK9-M), Version 12.4(12),
[output cut]
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Router uptime is 3 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "flash:c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin"
[output cut]
Configuration register is 0x2101
At this point, if you typed
show flash
, you’d still see the IOS in flash memory ready to go.
But in the previous code you told the router to load from ROM, which is why the hostname
shows up with
sh flash
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 21710744 Jan 2 2007 22:41:14 +00:00 c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin
2 1823 Dec 5 2006 14:46:26 +00:00 sdmconfig-2811.cfg

3 4734464 Dec 5 2006 14:47:12 +00:00 sdm.tar
4 833024 Dec 5 2006 14:47:38 +00:00 es.tar
5 1052160 Dec 5 2006 14:48:10 +00:00 common.tar
6 1038 Dec 5 2006 14:48:32 +00:00 home.shtml
7 102400 Dec 5 2006 14:48:54 +00:00 home.tar
8 491213 Dec 5 2006 14:49:22 +00:00 128MB.sdf
9 1684577 Dec 5 2006 14:50:04 +00:00 securedesktop-ios-
10 398305 Dec 5 2006 14:50:34 +00:00 sslclient-win-
32989184 bytes available (31027200 bytes used)
If you want to set the configuration register back to the default, just type this:
config t
config-register 0x2102

Managing the Configuration Register

Managing the Configuration Register
All Cisco routers have a 16-bit software register that’s written into NVRAM. By default, the
configuration register
is set to load the Cisco IOS from
flash memory
and to look for and load
the startup-config file from NVRAM.
Checking the Current Configuration Register Value
You can see the current value of the configuration register by using the
show version
sh version
show ver
for short), as demonstrated in Table 2.2:
The only way to view the configuration register is through the show version command:
sh version
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVSECURITYK9-M),Version 12.4(12),
[output cut]
Configuration register is 0x2102
The last information given from this command is the value of the configuration register. In
this example, the value is 0x2102, which is the default setting. The configuration register
setting of 0x2102 tells the router to look in NVRAM for the boot sequence.

Understanding the Internal Components of a Cisco Router

Understanding the Internal Components
of a Cisco Router
To configure and troubleshoot a Cisco internetwork, you need to know the major components
of Cisco routers and understand what each one does. Table 2.1 describes the major Cisco
router components.
TABLE 2 . 1
Cisco Router Components
Component Description
Bootstrap Stored in the microcode of the ROM, the bootstrap brings a router up
during initialization. It will boot the router and then load the IOS.
Power-on self-test
Stored in the microcode of the ROM, the POST is used to check the basic
functionality of the router hardware and determines which interfaces are
ROM monitor Stored in the microcode of the ROM, the ROM monitor is used for manufacturing,
testing, and troubleshooting.
Mini-IOS Called the
by Cisco, the mini-IOS is a small IOS
in ROM that can be used to open an interface and load a Cisco IOS into
flash memory. The mini-IOS can also perform a few other maintenance
memory (RAM)
Used to hold packet buffers, ARP cache, routing tables, and the software
and data structures that allow the router to function. The running-config
file is stored in RAM, and most routers expand the IOS from flash into
RAM upon boot.
Read-only memory
Used to start and maintain the router. Holds the POST and the bootstrap
program, as well as the mini-IOS.
Flash memory Used to store the Cisco IOS by default. Flash memory is not erased when
the router is reloaded. It is electronically erasable programmable readonly
memory (EEPROM) created by Intel.
Nonvolatile RAM
Used to hold the router and switch configuration. NVRAM is not erased
when the router or switch is reloaded. Does not store an IOS. The configuration-
register file is stored in NVRAM.
Used to control how the router boots up. This value can be found as the
last line of the
show version
command output, and by default it is set to
0x2102, which tells the router to load the IOS from flash memory as well
as to load the configuration from NVRAM.

Managing a Cisco Internetwork

Managing a Cisco


Here in Affiliate 2, I’ll appearance you the commands for managing

Cisco routers on an internetwork. The Internetwork Operating

System (IOS) and agreement files abide in altered locations

in a Cisco device, so it’s absolutely important to accept both area these files are amid and

how they work.

You’ll be acquirements about the capital apparatus of a router, the router cossack sequence, and the

configuration register, including how to use the agreement annals for countersign recovery.

After that, you’ll acquisition out how to administer routers by application the


command with a Trivial File

Transfer Protocol (TFTP) host back application the Cisco IOS File System (IFS).

I’ll blanket up the affiliate by exploring the Cisco Discovery Protocol, assuming how to resolve

hostnames, and presenting some important Cisco IOS troubleshooting techniques.

Commands to Manipulate Configurations Command Meaning

Commands to Manipulate Configurations
Command Meaning
Todd#copy running-config startup-config Saves the running configuration to NVRAM
Todd#show running-config Shows the running configuration on the terminal
Todd#show startup-config Shows the start-up configuration (in NVRAM) on
the terminal
Todd#erase startup-config Erases the configuration stored in NVRAM
You can manually save the file from DRAM to NVRAM by using the copy runningconfig
startup-config command (you can use the shortcut copy run start also):
Todd#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]? [press enter]
Building configuration...
Building configuration...
Todd#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 3343 bytes
version 12.4
[output cut]
The sh start command—one of the shortcuts for the show startup-config command—
shows you the configuration that will be used the next time the router is reloaded. It also tells
you how much NVRAM is being used to store the startup-config file. Here’s an example:
Todd#show startup-config
Using 1978 out of 245752 bytes
version 12.4
[output cut]
Todd#erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files!
Continue? [confirm][enter]
Erase of nvram: complete
*Feb 28 23:51:21.179: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
Todd#sh startup-config
startup-config is not present
Proceed with reload? [confirm]System configuration has been modified.
Save? [yes/no]: n

Using the show Command

Using the show Command
Obviously, show running-config would be the best way to verify your configuration, and
show startup-config would be the best way to verify the configuration that will be used the
next time the router is reloaded, right?
Table 1.12 shows some basic command you might use every day in a production environment.
TABLE 1 . 1 2 Everyday Commands
Command Meaning
show running config This shows the configuration that router is using.
show startup-config This shows the configuration that the router will use when the
router is reload.
show interface This shows the status of all interfaces.
show ip interface This shows the default IP configuration on all interfaces.
show ip interface brief This command provides a quick overview of the router’s
interfaces, including the logical address and status.
show protocols This shows the status of layers 1 and 2 of each interface as well
as the IP addresses used.
show controllers This shows whether an interface is a DCE or DTE interface.

The show running-config command is important and could very well be one of the most
used commands on a Cisco router. The show running-config command shows the configuration
that the router is running. The show startup-config shows the backup config, or
the configuration that will be used the next time the router is booted.
The show interface command is important, and that’s what I’ll discuss in this section.
Here’s what it looks like:
Router#sh int s0/0/0
Serial0/0 is up, line protocol is down
If you see that the line is up but the protocol is down, as shown earlier, you’re experiencing
a clocking (keepalive) or framing problem—possibly an encapsulation mismatch. Check the
keepalives on both ends to make sure that they match, that the clock rate is set (if needed), and
that the encapsulation type is the same on both ends. The previous output would be considered
a Data Link layer problem.
If you discover that both the line interface and the protocol are down, it’s a cable or interface
problem. The following output would be considered a physical layer problem:
Router#sh int s0/0/0
Serial0/0 is down, line protocol is down
If one end is administratively shut down (as shown next), the remote end would present as
down and down:
Router#sh int s0/0/0
Serial0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down
To enable the interface, use the command no shutdown from interface configuration mode:
Router#config t
Router(config)#int s0/0/0
Router(config-if)#no shutdown
You can get a nice brief overview of the interfaces with the show interface brief
Router#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 unassigned YES unset up up
FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Serial0/0/0 unassigned YES unset up down
Serial0/0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Serial0/1/0 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Todd#sh protocols
Global values:
Internet Protocol routing is enabled
FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
FastEthernet0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Serial0/0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
The show controllers command displays information about the physical interface itself.
It’ll also give you the type of serial cable plugged into a serial port. Usually, this will be only
a DTE cable that plugs into a type of data service unit (DSU).
Router#sh controllers serial 0/0
HD unit 0, idb = 0x1229E4, driver structure at 0x127E70
buffer size 1524 HD unit 0, V.35 DTE cable
cpb = 0xE2, eda = 0x4140, cda = 0x4000
Router#sh controllers serial 0/1
HD unit 1, idb = 0x12C174, driver structure at 0x131600
buffer size 1524 HD unit 1, V.35 DCE cable
cpb = 0xE3, eda = 0x2940, cda = 0x2800

SSH Commands Command Meaning

SSH Commands
Command Meaning
ip ssh authentication-retries Sets the max failed attempts up to 120.
line vty first-line last_line Chooses your VTY lines to configure.
transport input ssh telnet Tells the router to use SSH and then Telnet. You do not
need the telnet command at the end of the line, but
Here’s an example of how you set up SSH on a router:
1. Set your hostname:
Router(config)#hostname Todd
2. Set the domain name (both the hostname and domain name are required for the encryption
keys to be generated):
Todd(config)#ip domain-name
3. Generate the encryption keys for securing the session:
Todd(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus ?
<360-2048> size of the key modulus [360-2048]
Todd(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
The name for the keys will be:
% The key modulus size is 1024 bits
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]
*June 24 19:25:30.035: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
4. Set the maximum idle timer for an SSH session:
Todd(config)#ip ssh time-out ?
<1-120> SSH time-out interval (secs)
Todd(config)#ip ssh time-out 60
5. Set the maximum failed attempts for an SSH connection:
Todd(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries ?
<0-5> Number of authentication retries
Todd(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2
6. Connect to the VTY lines of the router:
Todd(config)#line vty 0 1180
7. Last, configure SSH and then Telnet as access protocols:
Todd(config-line)#transport input ssh telnet

Router Interfaces

Router Interfaces
Interface configuration is one of the most important router configurations, because without
interfaces, a router is pretty much a completely useless object. Plus, interface configurations
must be totally precise to enable communication with other devices. Network layer addresses,
media type, bandwidth, and other administrator commands are all used to configure an interface.
Table 1.10 shows the commands.
TABLE 1 . 1 0 Router Interface Commands
Command Meaning
Todd(config)#interface fastethernet
Enters interface configuration mode from global
configuration mode.
Todd(config)#interface serial slot/port Same as the previous command, except for serial
interface 0/0/0 rather than Fast Ethernet interface.
Todd(config-if)#shutdown Shuts down an interface.
Todd(config-if)#no shutdown Enables an interface that is shut down.
Todd(config-if)#ip address address
Configures an interface with an IP address and a
subnet mask.
Todd(config-if)#ip address address
mask secondary
Adds a secondary IP address to an interface.
Adds a description to an interface.
Todd(config-if)#clock rate rate Sets the clock rate of a serial interface in bits per
Todd(config-if)#bandwidth rate Sets the bandwidth of an interface in kilobits per
Todd#show interface interface Displays the status and configuration of the Fast
Ethernet interface.
Todd#clear counters interface Clears the display counters on the serial interface.
Todd#sh ip interface interface Displays the layer-3 properties of an interface.
Todd#sh ip int brief Displays the IP interfaces in a summarized table.
This is one of the most useful show commands!
Let’s take a look at setting both an IP address and a secondary IP address on an interface,
and then we’ll verify the configuration:
Todd(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Todd(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Jul 30 15:31:23.542: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/0/0, changed state to
administratively down
Jul 30 15:31:24.542: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0/0/
0, changed state to down
Todd(config-if)#no shutdown
Jul 30 15:31:27.566: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/0/0, changed state to up
Jul 30 15:31:28.566: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0/0/0,
changed state to up
Todd(config-if)#ip address
Todd(config-if)#ip address ?
secondary Make this IP address a secondary address

Todd(config-if)#ip address secondary
Todd(config-if)#description Serial link to Miami
Todd(config-if)#clock rate 1000000
Todd(config-if)#bandwidth 1000
Todd#show interface s0/0/0
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is GT96K Serial
Description: Serial link to Miami
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
Last input 00:00:04, output 00:00:08, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 2d05h
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
34632 packets input, 2479012 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 34031 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
34372 packets output, 2303104 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 5 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
112 carrier transitions
DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=up CTS=up
Todd#clear counters s0/0/0
Clear "show interface" counters on this interface [confirm][enter]
Jul 30 15:39:02.818: %CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: Clear counter on interface Serial0/0/0
by console
Todd#sh ip interface s0/0/0
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Broadcast address is
Address determined by setup command
MTU is 1500 bytes
Helper address is not set
Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
Secondary address
Secondary address
Outgoing access list is not set
Inbound access list is not set
Proxy ARP is enabled
Local Proxy ARP is disabled
Security level is default
Split horizon is enabled
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
IP fast switching is enabled
IP fast switching on the same interface is enabled
IP Flow switching is disabled
IP CEF switching is enabled
IP CEF Fast switching turbo vector
[output cut]
Todd#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 YES manual up up
FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Serial0/0/0 YES manual up up
Serial0/0/1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Viewing, Saving, and Erasing Configurations
Once you have gone to all the work of creating a configuration, you will need to know
how to save it, and maybe even delete it. Table 1.11 shows the commands used to manipulate

Setting Up Secure Shell (SSH)

Setting Up Secure Shell (SSH)
Instead of Telnet, you can use Secure Shell, which creates a more secure session than the Telnet
application that uses an unencrypted data stream. SSH uses encrypted keys to send data so that
your username and password are not sent in the clear. Table 1.9 lists the commands.
TABLE 1 . 9 SSH Commands
Command Meaning
ip domain-name Sets your domain name. You must set this.
crypto key generate rsa
general-keys modulus
Sets the size of the key up to 2048.
ip ssh time-out Sets the idle timeout up to 120 seconds.

Setting Passwords

Setting Passwords
Here’s an example of setting all your passwords and then encrypting them in the plain configuration
Todd#config t
Todd(config)#line aux ?
<0-0> First Line number
Todd(config)#line aux 0
Todd(config-line)#password aux
Todd(config-line)#line con 0
Todd(config-line)#password console
Todd(config)#line vty 0 ?
<1-1180> Last Line number

Todd(config)#line vty 0 1180
Todd(config-line)#password telnet
Todd(config)#enable password todd
Todd(config)#enable secret globalnet
Todd(config)#service password-encryption
Todd(config)#do show run
Building configuration...
[outut cut]
enable secret 5 $1$S0a2$rLcwXpbme3zIrl2.TS1kX.
enable password 7 010709005F
[output cut]
line con 0
exec-timeout 1 40
password 7 050809013243420C
logging synchronous
line aux 0
password 7 03054E13
line vty 0 4
password 7 105A0C150B1206
line vty 5 1180
password 7 0010160A0A5E1F
[output cut]
Todd(config)#no service password-encryption
Some other console helpful commands include the following. This sets the console timeout
in second and minutes from 0-35791:
Todd(config-line)#exec-timeout ?
This redisplays interrupted console input:
Todd(config-line)#logging synchronous
Here’s an example of setting the exec-timeout and logging synchronous commands:
Todd)#config t
Todd(config)#line con 0
Todd(config-line)#exec-timeout ?
<0-35791> Timeout in minutes
Todd(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 ?
<0-2147483> Timeout in seconds

Todd(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 100
Todd(config-line)#logging synchronous


You can use five passwords to secure your Cisco routers: console, auxiliary, Telnet (VTY),
enable password, and enable secret. However, other commands are necessary to complete the
password configurations on a router or switch, as shown in Table 1.8.
TABLE 1 . 8 Setting Passwords
Command Meaning
Todd(config)#enable password todd Sets the enable password to Todd.
Todd(config)#enable secret todd Sets the enable secret password to Todd.
Supersedes the enable password.
Todd(config)#line line Changes to line mode to configure the
console, aux, and VTY (Telnet).
Todd(config-line)#password password The line password for aux, console, and VTY
(Telnet) are all set in line configuration mode.
Todd(config-line)#login When a line is configured to use a password,
the login command must be set to prompt for
Todd(config)#service password-encryption Encrypts the passwords in the clear-text
configuration file (both running-config and


You can create a banner to give anyone who shows up on the router exactly the information you
want them to have. Make sure you’re familiar with these four available banner types: exec process
creation banner, incoming terminal line banner, login banner, and message of the day
banner (all illustrated in Table 1.7).
TABLE 1 . 6 Setting a Router Hostname
Command Meaning
Router(config)#hostname name Sets the hostname of this router
TABLE 1 . 7 Setting a Banner
Command Meaning
Router(config)#banner motd # Enters a banner MOTD message and ends the message
with the # character
Router(config)#banner exec # Enters a banner exec message and ends the message
with the # character
Router(config)#banner incoming # Enters a banner incoming message and ends the message
with the # character
Router(config)#banner login # Enters a banner login message and ends the message
with the # character
The following describes the various banners:
MOTD banner The MOTD banner will be displayed whenever anyone attaches to the
router, regardless of how they access the router.
Exec banner You can configure a line activation (exec) banner to be displayed when an
EXEC process (such as a line activation or incoming connection to a VTY line) is created. By
simply starting a user exec session through a console port, you’ll activate the exec banner.
Incoming banner You can configure a banner to be displayed on terminals connected to reverse
Telnet lines. This banner is useful for providing instructions to users who use reverse Telnet.
Login banner You can configure a login banner to be displayed on all connected terminals.
This banner is displayed after the MOTD banner but before the login prompts. The login
banner can’t be disabled on a per-line basis, so to globally disable it, you have to delete it with
the no banner login command.

Configuring a Router

Configuring a Router
In the following sections, I’ll introduce the commands used to do basic router configuration.
You’ll use these commands (or should use them) on every router you configure.
You can set the identity of the router with the hostname command. This is only locally significant,
which means it has no bearing on how the router performs name lookups or how the router works
on the internetwork. Table 1.6 shows the command for setting a router’s hostname.
Here’s an example of setting a hostname on a router:
Router#config t
Router(config)#hostname Todd

Using the Pipe The pipe

Using the Pipe
The pipe (
) allows you to wade through all the configurations or other long outputs and get
straight to your goods fast. Table 1.5 shows the pipe commands.
Here’s an example of using the pipe command to view just interface information on a router:
Router#sh run | ?
append Append redirected output to URL (URLs supporting append operation
begin Begin with the line that matches
exclude Exclude lines that match
include Include lines that match
redirect Redirect output to URL
section Filter a section of output
tee Copy output to URL
Router#sh run | begin interface
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Sales VLAN
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
TABLE 1 . 5 Pipe Commands
Command Meaning
Router#sh running-config | ? Shows the options for the pipe command.
These include the ability to
begin, include, exclude, and so on.
Router#sh run | begin interface Shows the running configuration,
beginning at the interface
Router#sh ip route | include Shows all entries in the IP routing
table that include the IP address

Using the Question Mark

Using the Question Mark
The only command is the question mark; however, it does make a difference where you use it.
When entering complex IOS commands, it is common to use the question mark repeatedly
while entering the command, as in the following example:
clock ?
read-calendar Read the hardware calendar into the clock
set Set the time and date
update-calendar Update the hardware calendar from the clock
clock set ?
hh:mm:ss Current Time
clock set 11:15:11 ?
<1-31> Day of the month
MONTH Month of the year
clock set 11:15:11 25 aug ?
<1993-2035> Year
clock set 11:15:11 25 aug 2007 ?

clock set 11:15:11 25 aug 2007
*Aug 25 11:15:11.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from
18:52:53 UTC Wed Feb 28 2007 to 11:15:11 UTC Sat Aug 25 2007, configured from
console by cisco on console.

TABLE 1 . 4 Online Help Commands Command Meaning

TABLE 1 . 4
Online Help Commands
Command Meaning
Shows all available commands
Shows all available commands beginning with the letter
clock ?
Shows all available options for the

Editing and Help Features

Editing and Help Features
One difference between a good and a great CLI engineer is the ability to quickly edit the line
being entered into the router. Great CLI engineers can quickly recall previously entered commands
and modify them, which is often much quicker than reentering the entire command.
Table 1.3 shows some of the editing commands most commonly used.
TABLE 1 . 3
CLI Editing Commands
Command Meaning
Ctrl+P or Up arrow Shows last command entered
Ctrl+N or Down arrow Shows previous commands entered
show history
Shows last 10 commands entered by default
show terminal
Shows terminal configurations and history buffer size
terminal history size
Changes buffer size (the maximum is 256)
Ctrl+A Moves your cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl+E Moves your cursor to the end of the line
Esc+B Moves back one word
Ctrl+B Moves back one character
Ctrl+F Moves forward one character
Esc+F Moves forward one word
Ctrl+D Deletes a single character
Backspace Deletes a single character
Ctrl+R Redisplays a line
Ctrl+U Erases a line
Ctrl+W Erases a word
Ctrl+Z Ends configuration mode and returns to EXEC mode
Tab Finishes typing a command for you

Moving Between Modes Command Meaning

Moving Between Modes
Command Meaning
Changes from user EXEC to privileged EXEC mode
Changes to user EXEC from privileged EXEC mode
config term
Changes to global configuration mode from
privileged mode
Exits from any configuration mode to privileged
mode (Ctrl+Z is also commonly used)
Enters interface configuration mode from global
configuration mode
Enters subinterface configuration mode from global
configuration mode
Enters line configuration mode from global
configuration mode
router eigrp 1
Enters router configuration mode from global
configuration mode

Router Configuration Modes

Global configuration
Commands that affect the entire system
Specific configuration
Commands that affect interfaces, subinterfaces,
routing processes, or lines
Router(config-subif)#Router Configuration Modes
One key to navigating the CLI is to always be aware of which router configuration mode you
are currently in (see Table 1.1). You can tell which configuration mode you are in by watching
the CLI prompt.
TABLE 1 . 1
Router Configuration Modes
Mode Definition Example
User EXEC mode Limited to basic monitoring commands
Privileged EXEC mode Provides access to all other router commands

A Cisco 1841 router

A Cisco 1841 router
An 1841 router holds most of the same interfaces as a 2800 router, but it’s smaller and less
Setup Mode
If the router has no initial configuration, you will be prompted to use setup mode to establish
an initial configuration. You can also enter setup mode at any time from the command line by
typing the command
from something called
privileged mode
. Setup mode covers only
some global commands and is generally just not helpful. Here is an example:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.
Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity
for management of the system, extended setup will ask you
to configure each interface on the system
Would you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]:
Configuring global parameters:
Enter host name [Router]:
Configuration aborted, no changes made.
You can exit setup mode at any time by pressing Ctrl+C.

Booting the Router

Booting the Router
The following messages appear when you first boot or reload a router:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Initializing memory for ECC
c2811 platform with 262144 Kbytes of main memory
Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with ECC enabled
Upgrade ROMMON initialized
program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xcb80
program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xcb80
program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0x14b45f8
Self decompressing the image :
############################################ [OK]
[some output cut]
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVSECURITYK9-M), Version
12.4(12), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 17-Nov-06 12:02 by prod_rel_team
Image text-base: 0x40093160, data-base: 0x41AA0000
[some output cut]
Cisco 2811 (revision 49.46) with 249856K/12288K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FTX1049A1AB
2 FastEthernet interfaces
4 Serial(sync/async) interfaces
1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.
239K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)
Notice the following in the previous messages:

The type of router (2811) and the amount of memory (262,144KB)

The version of software the router is running (12.4, 13)

The interfaces on the router (two Fast Ethernet and four serial)
Figure 1.1 shows a picture of an 1841 router, which is what is called an
integrated services
(ISR), just like the 2811 router output shown earlier.

How to Contact the Author

How to Contact the Author

You can ability Todd Lammle through GlobalNet Training Solutions, Inc.,


), his training and systems Integration Company

in Dallas, Texas—or through his appointment at

Basic IOS Commands

Basic IOS Commands
This book starts by introducing you to the Cisco Internetwork
Operating System (IOS). The IOS is what runs Cisco routers as
well as some Cisco switches, and it’s what allows you to configure
the devices. You use the command-line interface (CLI) to configure a router, and that is
what I’ll show you in this chapter.
The Cisco router IOS software is responsible for the following important tasks:

Carrying network protocols and functions

Connecting high-speed traffic between devices

Adding security to control access and stop unauthorized network use

Providing scalability for ease of network growth and redundancy

Supplying network reliability for connecting to network resources
You can access the Cisco IOS through the console port of a router, from a modem into the
auxiliary (or aux) port, or even through Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH). Access to the IOS command
line is called an
exec session
Once you have attached your console cable (this is a rolled cable, sometimes referred to as
rollover cable
) to the router and have started your terminal software, you will be ready to
power on the router. Assuming that this is a new router, it will have no configuration and thus
will need to have, well, everything set up. In this chapter, first I’ll cover the power-on process
of the router, and then I’ll introduce the setup script.
For up-to-the minute updates for this chapter, please see

Tips for Taking Your CCNA Exams

Tips for Taking Your CCNA Exams

The CCNA Composite assay analysis contains about 55 questions and charge be completed in 75

to 90 account or less. This advice can change per exam. You charge get a account of about

80 to 85 percent to canyon this exam, but again, anniversary assay can be different.

Many questions on the assay accept acknowledgment choices that at aboriginal glance attending identical—

especially the syntax questions! Remember to apprehend through the choices anxiously because close

doesn’t cut it. If you get commands in the amiss adjustment or balloon one beggarly character, you’ll

get the catechism wrong. So, to practice, do the hands-on contest at the end of this book’s

chapters over and over afresh until they feel accustomed to you.

Also, never balloon that the appropriate acknowledgment is the Cisco answer. In abounding cases, added than one

appropriate acknowledgment is presented, but the


answer is the one that Cisco recommends. On

the exam, you’re consistently instructed to aces one, two, or three, never “choose all that apply.”

The latest CCNA exams may accommodate the afterward analysis formats:

Multiple-choice distinct answer

Multiple-choice assorted answer



Router simulations

In accession to assorted best and backup acknowledgment questions, Cisco Career Certifications

exams may accommodate achievement simulation assay items. They do acquiesce fractional command

responses. For example,






, or



would be acceptable.








would be acceptable.

Here are some accepted tips for assay success:

Arrive aboriginal at the assay centermost so you can relax and analysis your abstraction materials.

Read the questions


. Don’t jump to conclusions. Accomplish abiding you’re bright about


what anniversary catechism asks.

When answering multiple-choice questions that you’re not abiding about, use the action of

elimination to get rid of the acutely incorrect answers first. Doing this abundantly improves

your allowance if you charge to accomplish an accomplished guess.

You can no best move advanced and astern through the Cisco exams, so doublecheck

your acknowledgment afore beat Next back you can’t change your mind.

After you complete an exam, you’ll get immediate, online notification of your canyon or fail

status, a printed Examination Account Address that indicates your canyon or abort status, and your

exam after-effects by section. (The analysis ambassador will accord you the printed account report.) Test

scores are automatically forwarded to Cisco aural bristles alive canicule afterwards you booty the test, so

you don’t charge to accelerate your account to them. If you canyon the exam, you’ll accept confirmation

from Cisco, about aural two to four weeks, sometimes longer.

This book covers aggregate CCNA related. For abreast advice on

Todd Lammle Cisco Authorized CCNA CCNP, CCSP, CCVP, and CCIE boot

camps, amuse see


Where Do You Take the Exams?

Where Do You Take the Exams?
You may take any of the CCNA exams at any of the Pearson VUE authorized centers
) or call (877) 404-EXAM (3926).
To register for a Cisco Certified Network Associate exam, follow these steps:
Determine the number of the exam you want to take.
Register with the nearest Pearson VUE testing center. At this point, you will be asked to
pay in advance for the exam. At the time of this writing, the exam for the 640-802 is $150
and must be taken within one year of payment. You can schedule exams up to six weeks
in advance or as late as the same day you want to take it—but if you fail a Cisco exam,
you must wait five days before you will be allowed to retake the exam. If something comes
up and you need to cancel or reschedule your exam appointment, contact Pearson VUE
at least 24 hours in advance.
When you schedule the exam, you’ll get instructions regarding all appointment and
cancellation procedures, the ID requirements, and information about the testing-center

How Do You Become a CCNA?

How Do You Become a CCNA?

The way to become a CCNA is to canyon one little analysis (CCNA Composite assay 640-802).

Then—poof!—you’re a CCNA. (Don’t you ambition it were that easy?) True, it can be aloof one

test, but you still accept to acquire abundant ability to accept what the analysis writers are


However, Cisco has a two-step action that you can booty in adjustment to become a CCNA that

may or may not be easier than demography one best assay (this book is based on the one-step 640-

802 method; however, this book has all the advice you charge to canyon all three exams.

The two-step adjustment involves casual the following:

Exam 640-822: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices 1(ICND1)

Exam 640-816: Introduction to Cisco Networking Devices 2 (ICND2)

I can’t accent this enough: It’s analytical that you accept some hands-on acquaintance with Cisco

routers. If you can get ahold of some 1841 or 2800 alternation routers, you’re set. But if you can’t,

I’ve formed adamantine to accommodate hundreds of agreement examples throughout this book to help

network administrators (or bodies who appetite to become arrangement administrators) apprentice what

they charge to apperceive to canyon the CCNA exam.

Since the new 640-802 assay is so hard, Cisco wants to accolade you for demography the two-test

approach. Or so it seems anyway. If you booty the ICND1 exam, you absolutely accept a certification

called the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT). This is one step

toward your CCNA. To accomplish your CCNA, you charge still canyon your ICND2 exam.

Again, this book is accounting to advice you abstraction for all three exams.

For Cisco-authorized hands-on training with CCSI Todd Lammle, please


. Each apprentice will get hands-on experience

by configuring at atomic three routers and two switches—no administration of


What Skills Do You Need to Become a CCNA?

What Skills Do You Need to Become a CCNA?
To meet the CCNA certification skill level, you must be able to understand or do the following:

A CCNA certified professional can install, configure, and operate LAN, WAN, and wireless
access services securely, as well as troubleshoot and configure small to medium
networks (500 nodes or fewer) for performance.

This knowledge includes, but is not limited to, use of these protocols: IP, IPv6, EIGRP,
RIP, RIPv2, OSPF, serial connections, Frame Relay, cable, DSL, PPPoE, LAN switching,
VLANs, Ethernet, security, and access lists.

Why Become a CCNA?

Why Become a CCNA?
Cisco, not unlike Microsoft and Novell (Linux), has created the certification process to give
administrators a set of skills and to equip prospective employers with a way to measure skills
or match certain criteria. Becoming a CCNA can be the initial step of a successful journey
toward a new, highly rewarding, sustainable career.
The CCNA program was created to provide a solid introduction not only to the Cisco Internetwork
Operating System (IOS) and Cisco hardware but also to internetworking in general,
making it helpful to you in areas that are not exclusively Cisco’s. At this point in the certification
process, it’s not unrealistic that network managers—even those without Cisco
equipment—require Cisco certifications for their job applicants.
If you make it through the CCNA and are still interested in Cisco and internetworking,
you’re headed down a path to certain success.

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
The CCNA certification was the first in the new line of Cisco certifications and was the
precursor to all current Cisco certifications. Now you can become a Cisco Certified Network
Associate for the meager cost of this book and either one test at $150 or two tests at $125
each—although the CCNA exams are extremely hard and cover a lot of material, so you have
to really know your stuff! Taking a Cisco class or spending months with hands-on experience
is not out of the norm.
Once you have your CCNA, you don’t have to stop there—you can choose to continue
with your studies and achieve a higher certification, called the Cisco Certified Network Professional
(CCNP). Someone with a CCNP has all the skills and knowledge he or she needs to
attempt the routing and switching CCIE lab. Just becoming a CCNA can land you that job
you’ve dreamed about.

What Does This Book Cover?

What Does This Book Cover?

This book covers aggregate you charge to apperceive in adjustment to accept the CCNA exam

objective commands. However, demography the time to abstraction and convenance with routers or a router

simulator is the absolute key to success.

You will apprentice the afterward advice in this book:

Chapter 1 introduces you to the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS) and

command-line interface (CLI). In this affiliate you will apprentice how to about-face on a router and configure

the basics of the IOS, including ambience passwords, banners, and more. IP configuration

using the Secure Device Manager (SDM) will be discussed in Affiliate 12.

Chapter 2 provides you with the administration abilities bare to run a Cisco IOS network.

Backing up and abating the IOS, as able-bodied as router configuration, are covered, as are the

troubleshooting command accoutrement all-important to accumulate a arrangement up and running. Affiliate 12

will accommodate you the SDM agreement covered in this chapter.

Chapter 3 teaches you about IP routing. This is an important chapter, because you will learn

how to body a network, add IP addresses, and avenue abstracts amid routers. You will also

learn about static, default, and activating acquisition application RIP and RIPv2 (with a baby touch

of IGRP).

Chapter 4 dives into added circuitous activating acquisition with Enhanced IGRP and OSPF


Chapter 5 gives you a accomplishments on layer-2 switching and how switches perform

address acquirements and accomplish forwarding and clarification decisions. Arrangement loops and how to

avoid them with the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) will be discussed, as able-bodied as the 802.1w

STP version.

Chapter 6 covers basal LANs and how you can use them in your internetwork. This

chapter additionally covers the nitty-gritty of VLANs and the altered concepts and protocols

used with VLANs, as able-bodied as troubleshooting.

Chapter 7 covers aegis and admission lists, which are created on routers to clarify the network.

IP standard, extended, and called admission lists are covered in detail.

Chapter 8 covers Arrangement Address Translation (NAT). New advice and all the configuration

commands, troubleshooting, and analysis commands bare to understand

the NAT CCNA objectives are covered in this chapter.

Chapter 9 covers wireless technologies. This is an anterior affiliate apropos wireless

technologies as Cisco angle wireless. Accomplish abiding you accept your basal wireless technologies

such as admission credibility and audience as able-bodied as the aberration amid 802.11a, b, and g.

This affiliate is added technology based than agreement based to awning the current

CCNA objectives.

Chapter 10 covers IPv6. This is a actual fun affiliate and has some abundant information.

IPv6 is not the big, bad alarming monster that best bodies anticipate it is. IPv6 is an objective

on this new exam, so abstraction this affiliate carefully. This affiliate is added technology

based again agreement based to awning the accepted CCNA objectives. Accumulate an eye out at

for up-to-the-minute updates.

Chapter 11 concentrates on Cisco advanced breadth arrangement (WAN) protocols. This affiliate covers

HDLC, PPP, and Frame Relay in depth. You charge be accomplished in all these protocols

to be acknowledged on the CCNA exam.

Chapter 12 covers SDM for basal router configures that we covered in Chapters 1, 2, 3,

and 4.

For up-to-the minute updates accoutrement additions or modifications to the CCNA

certification exams, as able-bodied as added abstraction accoutrement and analysis questions,

be abiding to appointment the Todd Lammle appointment and website at


Sybex CCNA

I apperceive it’s affectionate of amiss to say this blazon of being about your own stuff, but I’m aloof activity to

do it—this is a absolutely acceptable book! It ability alike be the best absorbing book I’ve accounting so far.

A big acumen for this is that its ambit accustomed me to go aloft and above accoutrement the usual

CCNA abstraction adviser actual and absolutely detail the commands I acclimated in the guide, additional a lot of

additional commands that aloof appear to be some of my claimed favorites.

Do bethink that, although actual air-conditioned indeed, this aggregate isn’t advised to be a one-stop

shop for casual the CCNA exams. Anticipate of it and use it as a supplement to added abstraction material—

like, well, my Sybex CCNA abstraction guide! But seriously, I appetite you to apperceive that this

book will accompaniment annihilation no amount what you accept buried in your claimed armory to

pass the exams—it’s that good, and yes, I said it myself. By the way, apperceive that lots of other

people (who I didn’t pay) anticipate so too!

How to Use This Book

If you appetite a solid foundation for the austere and I achievement acknowledged ambition of finer preparing

for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) apartment of exams—including the ICND1,

ICND2, and the CCNA blended 640-802—then this is your baby! I’ve spent hundreds of

hours putting calm this book with the sole cold of allowance you to canyon the accomplished group

of CCNA exams while absolutely acquirements apprentice how to configure Cisco routers, switches, and

tons of added things too.

So, yes, this book is loaded with lots of admired information, and you will get the best out

of all that and your belief time if you accept how I put the book together.

To aerate your account from this book, I acclaim the afterward abstraction method:


My advocacy is to apprehend the abounding Sybex

CCNA Abstraction Adviser Sixth Edition

and then

just alpha account this book from Affiliate 1 and don’t stop until your all the way through

Chapter 12. This abstraction adjustment will absolutely advice you administer on the command needed

to awning the abounding CCNA objectives.


Study anniversary affiliate carefully, authoritative abiding you absolutely accept the command covered in

each chapter. Pay extra-close absorption to any affiliate that includes actual covered you

struggled with back account the abounding abstraction guide.


Check out

for added Cisco assay basic questions and updates to this

book and added Cisco books I accept written. The questions begin at


be adapted at atomic monthly, if not account or alike daily! Before you booty your test, be sure

and appointment my website for questions, videos, audios, and added advantageous information.


Make abiding you download any new PDF files begin at



so you accept the latest abstruse advice covered by the latest CCNA objectives.

To apprentice every bit of the actual covered in this book, you’ll accept to administer yourself regularly

and with discipline. Try to set abreast the aforementioned time aeon every day to study, and baddest a adequate and quiet abode to do so. If you assignment hard, you will be afraid at how quickly

you apprentice this material.