Getting CDP Timers and Holdtime Information
I’ll alpha with the basal commands that call how CDP works, and again I’ll appearance how to
use CDP to accumulate added avant-garde information. Table 2.10 shows a account of the CDP commands.
You charge apperceive these!
TABLE 2 . 1 0 Cisco Discovery Protocol
Command Meaning
show CDP Displays CDP timer and holdtime values
CDP holdtime Configures the CDP holdtimer
CDP timer Configures the CDP timer
CDP accredit Globally enables CDP; to disable, use the no anatomy of the command
show CDP acquaintance Displays advice about anon affiliated neighbors
show CDP acquaintance detail Displays abundant advice about neighbors including IOS
and layer-3 information
show CDP access * agreement Displays aloof the layer-3 information, such as the IP address
show CDP access * adaptation Displays the adaptation advice of anon affiliated neighbors
show CDP cartage Displays interface CDP cartage statistics
show CDP interface Displays interface cachet information
The cdp timer and holdtime is about never changed, but you can and actuality is how you
would do that:
The CDP timer is how generally CDP packets are transmitted to all alive interfaces.
The CDP holdtime is the bulk of time that the accessory will authority packets accustomed from
neighbor devices.
Router#sh cdp
Global CDP information:
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Sending a holdtime amount of 180 seconds
Sending CDPv2 advertisements is enabled
Router(config)#cdp ?
advertise-v2 CDP sends version-2 advertisements
holdtime Specify the holdtime (in sec) to be beatific in packets
log Log letters generated by CDP
run Accredit CDP
source-interface Insert the interface's IP in all CDP packets
timer Specify amount (in sec) at which CDP packets are beatific run
Router (config)#cdp holdtime ?
<10-255> Length of time (in sec) that receiver charge accumulate this packet
Router (config)#cdp timer ?
<5-254> Amount at which CDP packets are beatific (in sec)