Telnetting into Assorted Accessories Simultaneously 67

Telnetting into Assorted Accessories Simultaneously

If you telnet to a router or switch, you can end the affiliation by application avenue at any time. But

what if you appetite to accumulate your affiliation to a alien accessory but still appear aback to your original

router console? To do that, you can columnist the Ctrl+Shift+6 key combination, absolution it, and

then columnist X.

Here’s an archetype of abutting to assorted accessories from my console:


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification




In this example, I telnetted to the R1 router and again typed the countersign to access user

mode. I abutting apprenticed Ctrl+Shift+6 and again X (but you can’t see that because it doesn’t show

on the awning output). Notice that my command alert is now aback at the Router# prompt.