Using Telnet
Telnet, allotment of the TCP/IP agreement suite, is a able affairs that allows your computer to
act like a impaired terminal and run programs on addition computer. Table 2.11 shows the commands
you charge to know:
TABLE 2 . 1 1 Telnet Commands
Command Meaning
telnet Makes your terminal a impaired terminal. You
can alone run programs on addition computer,
not archetype files.
show sessions Shows the routers into which you are telnetted.
show users Shows the routers that are telnetted into your
exit Closes a Telnet session.
disconnect Closes a alien Telnet session.
clear band line-number Clears a affair affiliated to your router.
Telnet is a basic terminal agreement that allows you to affix to alien devices, gather
information, and run programs.
You can affair the telnet command from any router prompt, like this:
Trying ... Open
Password required, but none set
[Connection to bankrupt by adopted host]
As you can see, I didn’t set my passwords—how embarrassing! Remember that the VTY
ports on a router are configured as login, acceptation you accept to either set the VTY passwords
or use the no login command.
On a Cisco router, you don’t charge to use the telnet command; you can aloof blazon in an IP
address from a command prompt, and the router will accept you appetite to telnet to the device.
Here’s how that looks by application aloof the IP address:
Trying ... Open
Password required, but none set
[Connection to bankrupt by adopted host]