Copying the Accepted Agreement to NVRAM

Copying the Accepted Agreement to NVRAM

You’ll again charge to archetype the accepted agreement to NVRAM:

Router#copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]?[enter]

Building configuration...



Router#copy running-config ?

archive: Archetype to archive: book system

flash: Archetype to flash: book system

ftp: Archetype to ftp: book system

http: Archetype to http: book system

https: Archetype to https: book system

ips-sdf Update (merge with) IPS signature configuration

null: Archetype to null: book system

nvram: Archetype to nvram: book system

rcp: Archetype to rcp: book system

running-config Update (merge with) accepted arrangement configuration

scp: Archetype to scp: book system

startup-config Archetype to startup configuration

syslog: Archetype to syslog: book system

system: Archetype to system: book system

tftp: Archetype to tftp: book system

xmodem: Archetype to xmodem: book system

ymodem: Archetype to ymodem: book system