Personal Area Networking

As a powerful wearable solution, the Smart Shirt System
can act as an enabler of the personal area network (PAN).
As computing devices become smaller and more portable,
people have taken to carrying notebook computers, pagers,
PDAs, and cell phones nearly everywhere they go. The next
technological step is to connect these disparate devices and
create a single network that would relieve the user from the
redundancy of features and concern over where information
is stored. As third generation cellular networks are
introduced and wireless local area networks and Bluetooth technology
proliferate, Sensatex will be able to facilitate the
deployment of the PAN using the Interconnection
Technology of its Smart Shirt and the unique features of its
communications and data management infrastructure. The
System’s unique advantage is its ability to interface with
devices both wirelessly and with wires, thus permitting a
total solution to generate optimal connectivity. 208

Team Athletic Training

The team model will utilize the basic architecture of the
amateur athletic training product in a kit that also includes
computing, communications, analytical software tools, realtime
display, and Internet access, allowing coaches and
trainers to manage the training of athletes in a highly efficient

Amateur/Individual Sports

Triathletes, marathon runners, cross-country skiers, cyclists,
mountain climbers, rowers, and aerobic sportsmen, among
others, present a significant market for the Sensatex Smart
Shirt. The Smart Shirt System will monitor heart rate, respiration
rate, body temperature, external temperature, altitude,
location, and orientation (compass) for the amateur
athlete, with the added benefit of hands-free connectivity
and switching capability between an MP3 player, radio, cellular
phone, and voice recorder. In addition, the product
will provide voice-activated readout for hands-free access to
information (e.g., a runner queries “distance” via voice and
receives voice response of “12.6 miles”).

Geriatric Monitor

The Sensatex Geriatric Monitor provides reassurance to
seniors and their families by continuously monitoring vital
signs, being able to detect a fall, knowing location through
the use of a GPS chip, communicating with two-way voice,
offering a “panic” button, and connecting automatically
with emergency services via pre-configured parameters.

Infant/Toddler/Active Child Monitor

The Sensatex Child Monitor is a “digital umbilical cord”
that allows parents to keep track of active children. The initial
products in this category will offer parents two forms of
functionality—continuous two-way voice communications
with children in the home environment and/or ubiquitous
communications with children, regardless of the parents’
location. The next generation product of the Sensatex Child
Monitor, whether local or wide area, will provide the added
features of vital signs monitoring and GPS-based locator