Using Cossack Arrangement Commands

Using Cossack Arrangement Commands

There are some cossack commands you can comedy with that will advice you administer the way your

router boots the Cisco IOS, but let’s remember, we’re talking about the router’s IOS here, not

the router’s configuration! To change the IOS the router loads, use the cossack command in

Table 2.5:

The cossack command has a lot of options. Let’s booty a attending at the best important ones:


Router#config t

Enter agreement commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Router(config)#boot ?

bootstrap Bootstrap angel file

config Agreement file

host Router-specific config file

network Network-wide config file

system Arrangement angel file

The cossack arrangement command will acquiesce you to acquaint the router which book to cossack from flash


Router(config)#boot arrangement ?

WORD TFTP filename or URL

flash Cossack from beam memory

ftp Cossack from a server via ftp

mop Cossack from a Decnet MOP server

rcp Cossack from a server via rcp

rom Cossack from rom

tftp Cossack from a tftp server

Router(config)#boot arrangement beam c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.124-12.bin