Router’s Configuration (Cisco IFS)
Using the old, faithful copy command is still useful, and I recommend it. However, you still
need to know about the Cisco IFS. I’ll first show how to use the show file command to see
the contents of NVRAM and RAM:
Router#show file information nvram:startup-config
type is config
Router#cd nvram:
Directory of nvram:/
190 -rw- 830
191 ---- 5
192 -rw- 830
1 -rw- 0
196600 bytes total (194689 bytes free)
Router#cd system:
Router#dir ?
/all List all files
/recursive List files recursively
all-filesystems List files on all filesystems
archive: Directory or file name
cns: Directory or file name
flash: Directory or file name
null: Directory or file name
nvram: Directory or file name
system: Directory or file name
xmodem: Directory or file name
ymodem: Directory or file name
Directory of system:/
3 dr-x 0
33 dr-x 0
1 -rw- 750
2 dr-x 0
Router#config net
Host or network configuration file [host]?[enter]
This command has been replaced by the command:
Address or name of remote host []?
Router#copy tftp:// system://running-config
Destination filename [running-config]?[enter]
Accessing tftp:// todd-confg from (via
FastEthernet0/0): !
[OK - 776 bytes]
776 bytes copied in 13.816 secs (56 bytes/sec)
*Mar 10 22:12:59.819: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from tftp://
by console