Cisco’s Wireless Technologies

Cisco’s Wireless

If you appetite to accept the basal wireless LANs (WLANs)

that are best frequently acclimated today, aloof anticipate 10BaseT Ethernet

with hubs. What this agency is that WLANs about run

half-duplex communication—everyone is administration the aforementioned bandwidth, and alone one user is

communicating at a time. This isn’t necessarily bad; it’s aloof not acceptable enough. Because most

people await aloft wireless networks today, it’s analytical that they advance faster than greased

lightening to accumulate up with our rapidly ascent needs. The acceptable account is that this is actually

happening—Cisco has reacted by advancing up with an acknowledgment alleged the

Cisco Unified Wireless


that works with all types of wireless connections. And it works deeply too!

In this chapter, I will awning basal wireless LAN technologies and committees, as able-bodied as

wireless security. For the accepted CCNA objectives, there are actual few commands you must

remember, so I’ll absolutely awning added technology—wireless technology you charge know—than

I will commands in this chapter.