Default Administrative Distances

Default Administrative Distances (continued)
Route Source Default AD
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
RIP 120
External EIGRP 170
Unknown 255 (this route will never be used)
Table 3.7 defines the commands to change the AD of RIP on your router:
Each routing protocol has a default AD; you can, however, change the AD for specific
routes or for a routing protocol. Earlier when I added 150 to the end of the static route entry,
I changed the AD for that specific route. If I want to change the AD for a routing protocol, I
must use the distance command.
Router(config)#router rip
Router(config-router)#distance 150
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a true distance-vector routing protocol. RIP sends the
complete routing table to all active interfaces every 30 seconds. RIP uses the hop count only
to determine the best way to a remote network, but it has a maximum allowable hop count
of 15 by default, meaning that 16 is deemed unreachable. RIP works well in small networks,
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
RIP 120
External EIGRP 170
Unknown 255 (this route will never be used)
TABLE 3 . 7 Router Rip Commands
Command Meaning
router rip Enables RIP routing
distance Changes the default administrative distance
Each routing protocol has a default AD; you can, however, change the AD for specific
routes or for a routing protocol. Earlier when I added 150 to the end of the static route entry,
I changed the AD for that specific route. If I want to change the AD for a routing protocol, I
must use the distance command.
Router(config)#router rip
Router(config-router)#distance 150