Voice Translation Profiles Versus the dialplan-pattern Command
You can use voice translation profiles to replace the Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site
Telephony (Cisco SRST) and Cisco UCM Express dialplan-pattern command. The
dialplan-pattern command maps ephone-dns (that is, directory numbers assigned to IP
phones in a Cisco UCM Express environment) to inbound direct-inward (DID) numbers.
This mapping is done by dynamically creating a new dial peer that has the DID number
of a phone as the destination pattern. This dial peer is also used for outbound calls to
present the correct ANI and can be used to register the full DID number of an ephone
with a gatekeeper.
Although this technique works for ephone-dns, other devices such as FXS ports and
voice-mail pilots are not covered. At the same time, the dialplan-pattern command also
increases the number of dial peers, which makes troubleshooting more complex.
To solve this problem, voice translation profiles can be used to fully replace the dialplanpattern
command, but other interactions need to be considered, such as gatekeeper registration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express with dialplan-pattern Example
The topology shown in Figure 7-15 and the corresponding configuration in Example 7-13
show the caveats for the dialplan-pattern command.
390 Authorized Self-Study Guide Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE)
FXS Phone1-1
2001 CME
DID: 4085552XXX
Analog phone will
not ring.
No match on
4085552001. User dials
3 2
Figure 7-15 Cisco UCM Express with dialplan-pattern
Example 7-13 dialplan-pattern Command Example
Router(config-telephony)#dialplan-pattern 1 4085552... extension-length 4
Router(config)#dial-peer voice 2001 pots
Router(config-dial-peer)#destination-pattern 2001
Router(config-dial-peer)#port 1/0/0
The dialplan-pattern command dynamically creates another dial peer for each ephonedn.
Other devices, such as analog phones that are connected to FXS ports, are not covered.
Thus, the analog phone dial peer still has a pattern of 2001.
The call flow example in Figure 7-15 illustrates the problem:
1. A PSTN user dials 1 408 555-2001.
2. The call is routed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, which has a
DID range of 4085552XXX. No match is found for DNIS 4085552001 because the
dial peer has the pattern 2001.
3. The analog phone will not ring.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express with Voice Translation Profiles
The topology shown in Figure 7-16 and the corresponding topology in Example 7-14
show how Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express is configured to use a voice
translation profile instead of the dialplan-pattern command.
Chapter 7: Configuring Advanced Dial Plans 391
FXS Phone1-1
2001 CME
DID: 4085552XXX
Phone rings.
Profile modifies
DNIS to 2001. User dials
Figure 7-16 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express with Voice Translation
Example 7-14 voice translation-profile Command Example
Router(config)#voice translation-rule 1
Router(config-translation-rule)#rule 1 /^4085552/ /2/
Router(config)#voice translation-profile pstn-in
Router(cfg-translation-profile)#translate called 1
Router(config-voice-port)#voice-port 0/0/0:23
Router(config-voice-port)#translation-profile incoming pstn-in
Router(config-voice-port)#dial-peer voice 2001 pots
Router(config-voice-port)#destination-pattern 2001
Router(config-voice-port)#port 1/0/0
Again, the hypothetical situation is repeated, but this time voice translation profiles are
Following are the steps in the successful call flow:
1. A PSTN user dials 1 408 555-2001.
2. The call is routed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, which has a
DID range of 4085552XXX. The voice translation profile modifies the DNIS to
2001, which matches the dial peer of Phone1-1.
3. The analog phone rings.
392 Authorized Self-Study Guide Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE)
Note Depending on the deployment, using voice translation profiles instead of the
dialplan-pattern command might be the preferred solution. With gatekeepers, using the
dialplan-pattern command often leads to less-complex configurations, and thus a configuration
with voice translation profiles combined with the dialplan-pattern command might
be a better solution.
Verifying Voice Translation Rules
To test the functionality of a translation rule, use the test voice translation-rule command.
The syntax is as follows:
Router#test voice translation-rule number input-test-string [type match-type
[plan match-type]]
This command applies the specified voice translation rule on the entered test string.
Example 7-15 provides sample outputs from this command.
Example 7-15 test voice translation-rule Command
Router#test voice translation-rule 5 2015550101
Matched with rule 5
Original number:2015550101 Translated number:1025550101
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none
Router#test voice translation-rule 6 2015550101
Error: Ruleset 6 not found
The show voice translation-rule and show voice translation-profile commands can also
be useful. Example 7-16 shows how to verify configured translation rules and profiles.
show voice translation-rule and show voice translation-profile
Chapter 7: Configuring Advanced Dial Plans 393
Router#show voice translation-rule 1
Translation-rule tag: 1
Rule 1:
Match pattern: ^555\(....\)
Replace pattern: 444\1
Match type: none Replace type: none
Match plan: none Replace plan: none
Rule 2:
Match pattern: 777
Replace pattern: 888
Match type: national Replace type: unknown
Match plan: any Replace plan: isdn
Router#show voice translation-profile
Translation Profile: mytranslation
Rule for Calling number:
Rule for Called number: 1
Rule for Redirect number: