Calling Privileges

Calling Privileges

COR is a Cisco articulation aperture affection that enables Class of Service (COS), or calling privileges,

to be assigned. It is best frequently acclimated with Cisco Unified SRST and Cisco

Unified CME but can be activated to any punch peer.

The COR affection provides the adequacy to abjure assertive alarm attempts based on the

incoming and approachable CORs provisioned on the punch peers.

COR is acclimated to specify which admission dial-peer can use which approachable dial-peer to

make a call. Each dial-peer can be provisioned with an admission and an approachable corlist.

COR functionality provides the adequacy to abjure assertive alarm attempts on the base of

the admission and approachable CORs that are provisioned on the punch peers. This functionality

provides adaptability in arrangement design, allows users to block calls (for example, calls

to 900 numbers), and applies altered restrictions to alarm attempts from different


Figure 7-30 shows a avenue plan consisting of assorted PSTN punch peers, accessible for COR.

420 Authorized Self-Study Guide Cisco Articulation over IP (CVOICE)

dial-peer articulation 911 pots

destination-pattern 911

forward-digits all

port 0/0/0:23

dial-peer articulation 9911 pots

destination-pattern 9911

forward-digits 3

port 0/0/0:23

dial-peer articulation 9 pots

destination-pattern 9[2-9]......

port 0/0/0:23

dial-peer articulation 91 pots

destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]......

prefix 1

port 0/0/0:23

dial-peer articulation 9011 pots

destination-pattern 9011T

prefix 011

port 0/0/0:23

Emergency Calls (With and Without 9)

Local Calls (7-Digit Dialing)

Long-Distance Calls (11-Digit Dialing)

International Calls (Variable Length)

Figure 7-30 Calling Privileges

The 911 punch associate is acclimated for emergency calls to the PSTN. Notice the forward-digits all

command, which sends all akin digits (911 in this case) to the PSTN. Without this

command, the punch associate would be matched, but no digits would be beatific to the PSTN

because of the absence digit-strip command.

The 9911 punch associate is additionally acclimated for emergency calls, but this time it additionally includes the

PSTN admission cipher 9. Note that alone three digits are beatific to the PSTN application the forwarddigits

3 command, because the PSTN admission cipher 9 charge not be included in the call


The 9 punch associate is acclimated for PSTN bounded calls for seven-digit dialing in the United States.

The 91 punch associate is acclimated for PSTN civic or long-distance calls for 11-digit dialing in

the United States. Because the absolutely akin digits are 91, the civic identifier 1

needs to be prefixed. This is done application the prefix 1 command.

The 9011 punch associate is acclimated for PSTN capricious breadth all-embracing calls from the United

States. Because 9011 will be bare because of the digit-strip setting, the prefix 011

command is acclimated to prefix the actual all-embracing identifier to the alleged number.