Call Acquisition and Aisle Selection
The alarm acquisition argumentation on Cisco IOS routers application the H.323 agreement relies on the dialpeer
construct. Punch aeon are agnate to changeless routes. They ascertain area calls originate
and abolish and what aisle the calls booty through the network. Punch aeon are acclimated to
identify alarm antecedent and destination endpoints and to ascertain the characteristics activated to
each alarm leg in a alarm connection. Attributes aural the punch associate actuate which dialed
digits the router collects and assiduously to telephony devices.
One of the keys to compassionate alarm acquisition with punch aeon is the abstraction of incoming
versus approachable alarm legs and, consequently, of admission against approachable punch peers. Each
call casual through a Cisco IOS router is advised to accept two alarm legs, one entering
the router and one departure the router. The alarm leg entering the router is the admission call
leg, admitting the alarm leg departure the router is the approachable alarm leg.
Call legs can be of two capital types:
■ Acceptable Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) telephony alarm legs that affix a
router to the PSTN, analog phones, or PBXs
■ IP alarm legs that affix a router to added gateways, gatekeepers, or Cisco UCM
Dial aeon are additionally of two capital types, according to the blazon of alarm leg with which they
are associated:
■ POTS punch peers, associated with acceptable TDM telephony alarm legs
■ VoIP punch peers, associated with IP alarm legs