It is accessible for addition to barrage a abnegation of account (DoS) advance on

the PIX firewall by initiating abounding login attempts on the AAA authentication

mechanisms after accouterment any login information. Each login

attempt creates a affiliation that will abide accessible until a PIX timeout

expires. By initiating abundant attempts, the antagonist could bankrupt AAA

resources so that no added login attempts can be serviced. The PIX

firewall has a affection alleged Floodguard, which protects adjoin this

attack by accomplishment assets that are not in an alive state. Floodguard

is enabled by default. You can acquisition added capacity on this affection in

Chapter 4.

Here is an archetype of AAA affidavit for Telnet casework through the


PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut agreement tacacs+

PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut (inside) host PIX1authkey

PIX1(config)# aaa affidavit accommodate telnet outbound 0 0 0 0 AuthOut

In this example, cut-through proxy is enabled for Telnet from any host to any

host. After commutual the configuration, any outbound Telnet affair to a device

through the PIX firewall after-effects in an affidavit claiming from the PIX firewall,

and again the user will be affiliated to the accessory to which the user initiated

the session. For example, Figure 5.31 shows a acknowledged Telnet connection

through the PIX firewall to a Cisco router.The user authenticates adjoin the

PIX firewall, and again the Telnet affair to the router is established.

The syntax for ambience the uauth timers is:

timeout uauth [absolute | inactivity]

If the complete or cessation keywords are not used, the absolute

timer is adjusted. To appearance the abeyance values, use the afterward command:

show abeyance uauth

264 Chapter 5 • Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

Here's an archetype of AAA affidavit for FTP casework through the firewall:

PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut agreement tacacs+

PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut (inside) host PIX1authkey

PIX1(config)# aaa affidavit accommodate ftp outbound 0 0 0 0 AuthOut

In this example, any outbound FTP affair to a host through the PIX firewall

results aboriginal in an affidavit claiming from the PIX firewall, again an authentication

challenge from the accessory to which the user is connecting. For example,

Figure 5.32 shows the cut-through proxy affidavit alert for an FTP connection

request through the PIX firewall.

Figure 5.31 Cut-Through Proxy Telnet Prompt

Figure 5.32 Cut-Through Proxy FTP Prompt

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting • Chapter 5 265

Here is an archetype of AAA affidavit for HTTP casework through the


PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut agreement tacacs+

PIX1(config)# aaa-server AuthOut (inside) host PIX1authkey

PIX1(config)# aaa affidavit accommodate http outbound 0 0 0 0 AuthOut

In this example, any outbound HTTP affair to a host through the PIX firewall

results aboriginal in an affidavit claiming from the PIX firewall, again a session

is accustomed to the accessory to which the user is connecting.The HTTP host

the user is abutting to may reprompt for authentication. For example, Figure

5.33 shows the affidavit alert for an HTTP affiliation appeal through

the PIX firewall.

Figure 5.33 Cut-Through Proxy HTTP Prompt

266 Chapter 5 • Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting