Connection Graphs cisco

Connection Graphs

The Affiliation Graphs subcategory is abutting in the Monitoring tab. Connection

graphs characterize advice apropos specific cartage through the firewall, such as

Web or alone fixup traffic. From the Affiliation Graphs subcategory, two

subcategories are available: Xlates and Perfmon.

Figure 9.83 System Graphs

542 Chapter 9 • PIX Device Manager

The Xlates subcategory includes one accessible blueprint alleged Xlate Utilization.

This blueprint shows the absolute abode translations currently in use on the firewall.

The Perfmon subcategory includes several graphs as follows:

 AAA Perfmon Displays the cardinal of authentication, authorization,

and accounting requests beatific to an AAA server.

 FixUp Perfmon Displays the cardinal of packets for cartage processed

by the HTTP, FTP, or TCP fixup routines.

 Web Perfmon Displays the cardinal of URL requests candy by the

PIX firewall and the cardinal of Websense requests fabricated by the PIX


 Access Perfmon Displays the absolute cardinal of connections,

TCP connections, UDP connections, and TCP intercepts candy by

the PIX firewall.

Examples of affiliation graphs are included in Figure 9.84.

Figure 9.84 Affiliation Graphs

PIX Device Manager • Chapter 9 543

The graphs characterize Fixup Perfmon,Web Perfmon, Affiliation Perfmon, and

Xlate Perfmon.These graphs can advice firewall administrators accept traffic

trends and accurate I/O through the firewall. In the examples apparent in Figure

9.82, the firewall is active in a no-NAT configuration.This is axiomatic based on

the bulk of cartage in the Xlate Perfmon blueprint (there is none!).