Maintaining Hosts and Networks

Maintaining Hosts and Networks

We accept advised abounding of the backdrop configurable on the PIX firewall. At

this point, you should accept a acceptable compassionate of how to configure the PIX

firewall itself. Now, let’s attending at how to configure the PIX firewall with attention to

other altar on the network. Before abacus admission rules to admittance or abjure traffic

through the firewall, you charge configure host and arrangement altar and/or groups

from the Hosts/Networks tab.

From the Hosts/Networks tab, you can ascertain specific attributes for remote

and affiliated arrangement and hosts such as IP information, NAT details, and

routing configurations.These altar can represent centralized assets such as mail

servers and Web servers or alien assets such as alien offices or networks.

Click the Hosts/Networks tab to appearance the Hosts/Networks screen, apparent in

Figure 9.43.

This tab is organized into two sections: the Hosts/Networks area and the

Hosts/Networks Accumulation section.The Baddest Interface pull-down card permits

you to configure hosts and arrangement altar accessible on specific PIX firewall

interfaces. In the archetype declared previously, the central interface is configured

with the arrangement and one specific,, which is the inside

interface of the PIX firewall.

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Because we will be abacus admission rules to admittance specific arrangement cartage to

internal servers, a host admission charge be configured from this tab for anniversary server. As

an example, let’s add a new Web server host to the centralized arrangement configuration

so that we can add admission rules afterwards in the chapter.The host will accept the

attributes apparent in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4 Web Server Host Attributes

Attribute Value

Internal IP abode


External IP abode

Interface Inside

Name www

Figure 9.43 The Hosts/Networks Screen

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To add a new host, bang Add from the Hosts/Networks area of the

screen.The Create host/network basal advice window appears. Fill in the

appropriate fields (see Figure 9.44) and bang Next.

Completing this anatomy creates a new article in the PIX configuration.We use

a 32-bit host affectation in this archetype because we are abacus a specific host.This

mask should not be abashed with the absolute subnet affectation on the host. By

changing the affectation in the Affectation acreage application the drop-down menu, you could add

a arrangement object. Afterwards beat Next, you will be prompted to configure NAT

via the Create host/network NAT window, as apparent in Figure 9.45.

From this window, you can configure either activating or changeless NAT,

depending on the blazon of connectivity you appetite to acquiesce to the new host.To

permit alone outbound connectivity (connectivity from a higher-security to a

lower-security interface) from a host, baddest the Activating radio button.This

choice dynamically translates the abode of the added host to the specific NAT

pool as bent by the Abode Pool ID drop-down list.To admittance both outbound

and entering connectivity (connectivity from a lower-security to a highersecurity

interface), bang the Changeless radio button.This best creates a one-to-one

NAT mapping amid the abode of the added host and the abode defined in

the Changeless field.

Figure 9.44 The Create Host/Network Basal Advice Window

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In our example, we appetite to eventually admittance entering connectivity to our

new centralized Web server host.Therefore, bang the Changeless radio button and add an

externally accessible abode such as will configure the PIX

firewall to construe our centralized Web server’s IP abode of to and carnality versa back cartage traverses the PIX firewall interfaces.

Click OK to add the new host advice to the PIX firewall agreement and

return to the Hosts/Networks screen.

For practice, add a additional archetype host article application the action we discussed.

This time, however, bang Finish afterwards commutual Create host/network

basic advice window.We will configure NAT for this host afterwards in the

chapter. Use the attributes listed in Table 9.5.

Table 9.5 Mail Server Host Attributes

Attribute Value

Internal IP abode


Interface inside

Name mail

Figure 9.45 The Create Host/Network NAT Window

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From the Hosts/Networks tab screen, highlight the new Web server (www)

object and bang Edit.The Edit host/network window appears, as apparent in

Figure 9.46.

From this window, you can adapt the host attributes added ahead and

add host or arrangement specific acquisition information. For instance, if you add a network

object to the PIX agreement and charge to add a specific avenue statement

for that network, you can do this from the Acquisition tab on the Edit host/

network window. Alternatively, you can add routes via the System Backdrop tab

Routing category, as ahead described. Similarly, you can add or adapt NAT

information for specific hosts or networks from the NAT tab on the Edit host/

network window or via the Adaptation Rules tab in the capital PDM window.We

discuss the PDM Adaptation Rules tab afterwards in this chapter.

From the Hosts/Networks tab, you can additionally anatomy groups of networks and

hosts.This functionality simplifies aphorism management. Article alignment can also

improve rule-processing ability on the PIX firewall. For example, if you

have assorted servers that crave HTTP connectivity, you could anatomy a group

object alleged WebServers and add all HTTP servers to the group, as apparent in

Figure 9.47.

To accredit entering admission to the WebServers group, you artlessly add one access

rule application the WebServers accumulation instead of multiple, alone admission rules for

each Web server.

Figure 9.46 The Edit Host/Network Window

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Now that you accept how to add, modify, and annul host, network, and

group objects, let’s booty a afterpiece attending at abode translation.