Wireless Domain Services-Fast Defended Adrift (FSR)-Radio administration aggregation-Client tracking

Wireless Domain Services

Wireless Domain Casework (WDS) is a set of Cisco IOS Software appearance that enhances and

simplifies wireless LAN applicant mobility, security, deployment, and management. WDS offers the

following primary casework for SWAN:

Fast Defended Adrift (FSR)

—For time-sensitive applications, enables a wireless applicant to

securely roam amid admission credibility in the aforementioned subnet or amid subnets, enhances channel

scanning, and provides fast IEEE 802.1X rekeying. Admission point handoff times are aural 50 ms,

which is acute for able VoIP applications while users are adrift about the facility.

Radio administration aggregation

—Reduces the bandwidth all-important for radio management

information, such as admission point cachet messages, that is beatific beyond the network, by eliminating

redundant administration information. Radio administration advice is beatific to the CiscoWorks

WLSE and provides the base for ecology functions, such as rogue admission point detection

and location.

Client tracking

—Records applicant affidavit and adrift events, which are beatific to the

CiscoWorks WLSE to adviser applicant associations to specific admission points.

Figure H-1 illustrates how the FSR affection of WDS works:


AP1 charge initially 802.1x accredit with the WDS accessory to authorize a defended connection.

The antecedent applicant affidavit goes to a axial AAA server to accredit the user and

authorize specific services. This occurs in about 500 ms.


When the applicant roams, the applicant informs WDS that adrift is demography place, and WDS sends

the applicative key to the new admission point (AP2 in this example). The handoff time between

the admission credibility is about 50 ms.

Switch-Based WDS
Cisco Secure
Access Control
Server (AAA Server)
Fast Secure Layer 3 Roaming
Note: Because the WDS handles roaming and reauthentication, the WAN link is not used

Figure H-1
Cisco SWAN Fast Secure Roaming