The 802.11 accepted defines request-to-send/clear-to-send (RTS/CTS) as an alternative action of

802.11 to adapt the manual of abstracts on the wireless LAN. RTS/CTS can be set in the access

point or a radio agenda individually, or on both accessories at the aforementioned time. In best cases, the RTS/CTS

function is accessible in antidotal collisions amid hidden nodes. To accretion admission to the shared

wireless medium, a base can alone address if no added base is transmitting. Aural a particular

access point radio cell, it is accessible that two stations associated with the aforementioned admission point might

be out of ambit of anniversary other.

For example, Figure G-8 illustrates the book in which either Base A is far abroad from Station

B or a barrier is blocking the radio signals amid the two stations. The botheration is that Station

A ability be in the average of transmitting a anatomy to the admission point back Base B wants to send

a frame. Base B will accept to the average to actuate whether accession base is already

transmitting. Because Base B cannot apprehend Base A, Base B starts transmitting the frame. A

collision again occurs at the admission point, which destroys both frames. As a result, the admission point

will not accede accession of the frames. Both stations will accept to retransmit their respective

frames, which will acceptable aftereffect in accession collision.

Figure G-8 Hidden-Node Botheration in Wireless LANs





Station A

Station B

Access Point






Wireless Configuration Parameters 807

The RTS/CTS action is a handshaking action that minimizes the accident of collisions when

hidden nodes are operating on the network. In addition, aegis mechanisms can use RTS/CTS

to abstain collisions amid 802.11b and 802.11g radio cards. If hidden nodes are not causing

significant retransmissions or hidden nodes are not present, again RTS/CTS is about not

necessary (unless aegis mechanisms are in use).

RTS/CTS works by enabling anniversary base to absolutely appeal a time aperture for abstracts transmission.

For example, if RTS/CTS is enabled in the radio cards of Base A and Base B, again Station

A will aboriginal accelerate an RTS anatomy to the admission point afore attempting to address a abstracts frame.

The admission point receives the RTS anatomy and responds with a CTS frame. Both stations receive

the CTS frame. This gives approval for Base A to address a abstracts frame. The CTS frame

carries a continuance bulk that informs all added stations, including Base B, to not transmit

during the defined time interval. This adjournment equals the bulk of time that Base A requires

to accelerate the abstracts anatomy and for the admission point to acknowledge with an acknowledgement. As a result,

collisions due to hidden nodes are abundant beneath likely. The alone time it is accessible with RTS/CTS

enabled is back hidden nodes additionally absence CTS frames from the admission point because of

interference or anemic signals.

Enabling RTS/CTS requires ambience RTS/CTS to a specific beginning bulk in the admission point or

radio card. The beginning is the anatomy breadth that invokes the RTS/CTS process. If the abstracts frame

that needs manual is beyond than the threshold, again the base implementing RTS/CTS uses

the RTS/CTS process.

If you doubtable hidden nodes ability be causing collisions on the arrangement and aspersing network

performance, accede activating RTS/CTS. It is best to aboriginal set the beginning to approximately

750 bytes, which is almost the center point (50 percent of the best anatomy size), and

assess changes in throughput. If throughput increases, again the use of RTS/CTS is beneficial. If

throughput decreases, again RTS/CTS acceptable is not worthwhile. If RTS/CTS is in actuality improving

performance, accede tweaking the beginning bulk to aerate throughput.

Keep in apperception that the use of RTS/CTS adds aerial to the arrangement because the transmission

of abstracts frames ability crave RTS and CTS frames as well. As a result, the abbreviation of

collisions by application RTS/CTS ability not action abundant advance in throughput to compensate

for the added aerial of RTS/CTS frames. The ultimate ambition of application RTS/CTS is to

improve throughput. If RTS/CTS causes throughput to abatement due to the added overhead,

then do not use it. Alike if the use of RTS/CTS improves performance, changes aural the

facility and users that are adrift to added areas will change the hidden-node situations. Thus,

RTS/CTS ability not be necessary, and can alike account abasement in throughput as conditions

change. 802.11 does not action adaptive mechanisms that automatically acclimatize RTS/CTS
