WEP security wireless


802.11 Wired Equivalent Privacy uses a accepted key to encrypt and break abstracts anatomy contents

between 802.11 stations at Layer 2. 802.11, however, does not ascertain a apparatus for distributing

WEP keys to the stations. This requires the ambassador or users to manually configure their radio

cards with the encryption key, and it is not applied to change the key. Thus, WEP keys abide the

same on best wireless LANs for months or years. This allows abundant time for a hacker to exploit

the vulnerabilities of WEP and able the encryption.

WEP has been a ambition for hackers. In fact, accoutrement advisedly accessible from the Internet, such as

WEPCrack and Airsnort, are able to able the WEP encryption mechanism. As a result, WEP is

not able abundant for action security.

If you plan to use WEP, configure the encryption key in the admission point. Each radio agenda needs to

be set to the aforementioned WEP key afore it can accessory with the admission point. When application Windows

XP, you are prompted to admission the WEP key if you try to affix to an admission point that implements

WEP. Windows displays this WEP key in the wireless networks account afterwards you accept View

Available Wireless Networks.