Usage of the Destination-Pattern

Usage of the Destination-Pattern
To associate a dialed string with a specific telephony device, you would use the
destination-pattern.With it, the dialed string will compare itself to the pattern
and then be routed to the voice port or the session target (discussed later) voice
network dial peer. If the call is an outbound call, the destination-pattern could
also be used to filter the digits that will be forwarded by the router to the
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telephony device or the PSTN.A destination-pattern must be configured for
each and every POTS and VoIP dial peer configured on the router.
You could describe the destination as an entire number or just a partial
number with digits that can be defined through the wildcard switch.The wildcard
digit “.” represents an individual digit the router will be expecting to receive.
If a destination patter is defined as 707…. , then all dialed digits that start with
707 and have four following digits will match this dial peer.
The “.” is not the only character that can be used to represent other digits.
Several others are listed in Table 9.5, along with a brief description, to assist you
in the configuration of your dial peers.