Optional Dial Plan Configuration Commands
Command Description
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command selects the
answer-address string inbound dial peer based on the callingnumber.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command selects the
incoming called-number string inbound dial peer based on the callednumber
so it can identify voice and
modem calls.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command enables Direct
direct-inward-dial string Inward Dialing (DID) call treatment for the
incoming called-numbers.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command configures digitforward-
digits { num-digit | forwarding for the dial peer. The valid
all | extra} range for the number of digits that can be
forwarded (num-digit) is 0 through 32.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command specifies the
max-conn number maximum number of connections allowed
to and from the POTS dial peer. The valid
range is 1 through 2147483647.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command specifies which
numbering-type {abbreviated | numbering type to match, as defined by
international | national | the ITU Q.931 specification.
network | reserved |
subscriber | unknown}
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command configures the
preference value preference for the POTS dial peer.
The valid range is 0 through 10. The lower
the number, the higher the preference is
for that dial peer.
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command adds a prefix that
prefix string the system will prepend to the dial string
before passing it to the telephony interfaces.
Valid entries for the string argument are 0
through 9 and a comma. You would use
the comma to include a one-second pause
between digits to allow for a secondary
dial tone.
286 Chapter 9 • AVVID Dial Plans
Command Description
Gatekeeper(config-dial-peer)# (Optional) This command specifies the
translate-outgoing {called | translation rule set that is applied to the
calling} name-tag calling-number or called-number.