Configuration of a Cisco CallManager Cluster

Configuration of a Cisco CallManager Cluster
For every gatekeeper located within your domain, you must configure an intercluster
CODEC you would like to use, and along with this enable the anonymous
device.When that is complete, you will need to configure the router
pattern to allow calls between clusters.You do this by selecting a CODEC for all
intercluster calls, defining the region the gatekeeper and cluster are located in,
and selecting the appropriate compression rate.
When the Cisco CallManager registers with the gatekeeper, it identifies itself
as a VoIP gateway that has a technology prefix of Voice.You can manually set this
configuration by going to the Service tab, scrolling down to the Service
Parameters, and from there updating the Cisco CallManager service parameter
GateKeeperSupportedPrefix configuration. Figures 9.5, 9.6, and 9.7 illustrate the
basic configuration of a Cisco CallManger.
The GateKeeperSupportedPrefix is hidden by default. Refer to your Cisco
documentation regarding how to access it.