Longest Match Translation
Cisco CallManager is also able to handle the longest match criteria with the
implementation of wildcard masks. For example, if there is a phone with a DID
located within the 0000–0999 range, the Cisco CallManager will direct the call
to that specific phone. In instances where there is no matching extension, then
the call will be matched against the translation table, and (using the previous
example) be routed to the front desk at 0001.
Digits can also be manipulated within the route pattern configuration using
Called/Calling Party Transformation, a method which allows for three types of
translations to occur within the called-number.These are:
The removal of digits from the dialed string
Application of the Transformation Mask to the called-party
The ability to prefix digits to the dialed string
These translations can be helpful in companies that either have a lot of
unused numbers or companies have multiple numbers. For example, a Cisco
CallManager may have a defined route pattern of 8XXXX to route a call to
another company office.The number being called is 0000, and needs to go
through the PBX.The route pattern has a called party number of 536XXX and a
calling party number of 15108XXXX.The calling party information mask of
1510 will be prepended to the calling-number.The access code (the number 8)
will be discarded from the dial string, and the digits 536 will be prefixed to the
number. All this will happen in that order so it can be properly translated to the
internal calling-number of 1510536XXXX so it can be routed by the internal
The other way to do this is to use the called-party transformation mask of
536XXXX.The drawback to this is that the calling party transformation mask
302 Chapter 9 • AVVID Dial Plans
only applies to the calling-numbers, and the other transformation masks will only
apply to called-numbers. As noted earlier, the order of precedence for the Cisco
CallManager will be to remove digits from the dialed string, then apply the transformation
mask to the called-party, and afterward prefix digits to the dialed