

IP Mobility has its own set of altered jargon, so defining some agreement will accomplish it easier to altercate how to configure it.

There are three altered types of accessories in a Mobile IP arrangement configuration:

Mobile Bulge

The adrift device, which could be an end bulge or a router.

Home Agent

The router on the Mobile Node's home arrangement that is amenable for tunneling its packets while it is away.

Foreign Agent

The router on the adopted arrangement that the Mobile Bulge is currently visiting.

The abutting important abstraction is the Care-of Address. This is an IP abode on the Adopted Abettor router that the Home Abettor can affix to, creating a adit for the Mobile Bulge to use.

The IP Mobility agreement has three capital phases:

Agent Discovery

This agreement has two components. Home and Adopted Agents can acquaint themselves over a arrangement link, and Mobile Nodes can accelerate address letters attractive for these abettor devices. They use the ICMP Router Discovery Agreement (IRDP) for this purpose.


The Mobile Bulge communicates aboriginal with the Adopted Abettor to access a Care-of Address. Then, application the Adopted Agent, it registers this Care-of Abode with the Home Agent.


The Home and Adopted Agents set up a adit to backpack cartage for the Mobile Bulge from its home network. This adit can be encrypted if desired.