Routing Protocols
Besides the rather ample acclamation differences already discussed, IPv6 is about IP as we already apperceive it. It carries TCP and UDP and added college band protocols with no changes to those college band protocols. Telnet in IPv6 is Telnet. SMTP is still SMTP, and so forth.
Even the acquisition protocols that we use to administer advice about area altered hosts abide on the arrangement are actual accustomed from the protocols we accept already discussed in this book. There are acutely some differences aloof due to the differences in addressing. Cisco routers apparatus several altered IPv6 acquisition protocols, and we will appearance examples of RIP and OSPF for IPv6 in particular. There is additionally an IOS accomplishing of MBGP that allows you to backpack IPv6 addressing, which we will altercate briefly in this chapter.
Cisco routers additionally apparatus a adaptation of the IS-IS acquisition agreement for IPv6. However, as we don't awning this agreement for IPv4, we will not awning it for IPv6 either.
EIGRP for IPv6 became accessible in IOS Adaptation 12.4(6)T, abominably putting it out of ability for best currently installed routers.