Fixed-Filter Style
The combination of a distinct reservation and an explicit sender list gives rise to
the fixed-filter (FF) style. In this style, a distinct reservation is created for data
packets from a particular sender.This reservation is not shared with any other
sender. However, if another receiver is added for that sender, the reservation is not
doubled, but merged. In an AVVID environment, this kind of style would be
appropriate for video signals where the data from each sender are different.
An RSVP flow descriptor is the combination of a flowspec and a filterspec.A
flowspec is the QoS requested, and the filterspec is the set of packets to receive this
QoS.When new flows are added to the group of reservations in a node, they will
often need to be merged into a common reservation. In the case of multicast
traffic, where the same data is going to multiple recipients, the recipients will still
make a Resv request. It is up to RSVP to join this request with the active reservations.
When this is done, the flows are referred to as merged.
The RSVP rules do not allow the merging of distinct and shared reservations,
nor the merging of explicit sender selection and wildcard sender selection.
As a result, all three styles are mutually incompatible.