Static Abode Translation

Static Abode Translation

With a about attainable server (ideally amid in a DMZ), you charge explicitly

allow admission from the lower security-level interface to a college securitylevel

interface. First, actualize a changeless abode translation.The changeless command creates

a abiding mapping of global-to-local IP addresses.The syntax for the command

is as follows:

static [(, )] { |

interface} [netmask ] [ []]


The changeless command requires two arguments: the centralized interface (interface

to which the server actuality translated is connected), and the alien interface,

(where the all-around IP abode is assigned).The global_ip and local_ip ambit are

self-explanatory.The netmask constant is acclimated to statically construe added than

one IP abode at a time. The absence amount for both max_conns and em_limit is 0

(unlimited); these accept acceptation as they do in the nat command.

Secure Corp. has added a DMZ arrangement to its PIX. It has absitively to move

its Internet Web server to this DMZ and admittance admission to it from the Internet.

Figure 3.4 shows the arrangement layout.The changeless commandto configure this


PIX1(config)# changeless (dmz, outside) netmask 255.255

.255.255 0 0

If Secure Corp. had added than one Web server, instead of configuring a separate

static admission for anniversary one, you could configure a distinct changeless command with

the actual netmask. For example, for 14 Web servers that had the IP addresses of through, you would use the afterward command:

PIX1(config)# changeless (dmz, outside) netmask 255.255

.255.240 0 0

The Web server in the DMZ needs to admission a database server amid on the

inside arrangement of the PIX.The database server IP abode does not charge to be

translated, back the Web servers on the DMZ are a allotment of the clandestine address

network.The afterward changeless agreement translates the IP abode to itself.This

is agnate to nat 0:

Passing Cartage • Chapter 3 113

PIX1(config)# changeless (inside, dmz) netmask 255.255

.255.255 0 0

We are now center to acceptance entering cartage admission to a adequate server.

The changeless command alone creates a changeless abode mapping amid all-around and local

IP addresses. Back the absence activity for entering cartage is to abjure it, the abutting step

is to actualize an admission account or aqueduct to acquiesce the cartage to admission the PIX. Like the

outbound/apply commands, the aqueduct command became a bequest command in

favor of admission lists back adaptation 5.0 of the PIX software was released.