Administrative Admission Modes

Administrative Admission Modes

An authoritative admission approach is a accompaniment in which the ambassador is able to issue

commands, potentially to change the agreement of the PIX. Monitor mode,

described earlier, is an authoritative admission mode, but it is independent in ROM

rather than in the bifold image, and hopefully you will never accept to use it.

When you aboriginal log in, you are in an unprivileged mode.You can identify

the approach you are in from the prompt: If the alert looks like the hostname

followed by a right-angle bracket (>), you are in unprivileged mode. Few commands

are available:

PIX1> ?

enable Turn on advantaged commands

help Advice list

login Log in as a accurate user

logout Exit from accepted user profile, and to unprivileged mode

pager Control folio breadth for pagination

quit Quit from the accepted mode, end agreement or logout

This is not a complete account of the accessible commands. For example, back you

are in unprivileged mode:

Introduction to PIX Firewalls • Chapter 2 73

PIX1> appearance ?

checksum Appearance agreement advice cryptochecksum

curpriv Display accepted advantage level

history Display the affair command history

pager Control folio breadth for pagination

version Display PIX arrangement software version

PIX1> appearance version

Cisco PIX Firewall Version 6.2(1)

Cisco PIX Device Manager Version 1.0(1)

Compiled on Wed 17-Apr-02 21:18 by morlee

pix1 up 160 canicule 23 hours

Hardware: PIX-515, 64 MB RAM, CPU Pentium 200 MHz

The best important of these is accredit mode, which turns on the privileged

commands. At this point, your alert will change; now it ends in a batter sign.

To appearance your new privilege:

PIX1# ?

arp Change or appearance the arp table, and set the arp abeyance value

capture Capture entering and outbound packets on one or added interfaces

configure Configure from terminal

copy Copy angel or PDM book from TFTP server into flash.

debug Debug packets or ICMP tracings through the PIX Firewall.

disable Exit from advantaged mode

eeprom Appearance or reprogram the 525 onboard i82559 devices

flashfs Show, destroy, or bottle filesystem information

help Advice list

kill Terminate a telnet session

logout Exit from accepted user profile, and to unprivileged mode

logging Clear syslog entries from the centralized buffer

pager Control folio breadth for pagination

passwd Change Telnet animate admission password

ping Test connectivity from defined interface to

quit Quit from the accepted mode, end agreement or logout

74 Chapter 2 • Introduction to PIX Firewalls

reload Halt and reload system

session Admission an centralized AccessPro router console

shun Manages the clarification of packets from causeless hosts

terminal Set terminal band parameters

who Appearance alive administering sessions on PIX

write Write config to net, flash, floppy, or terminal, or abolish flash

At this point, you are added or beneath adequate from accidentally harming the

system:You can abolish the agreement in total, but it will not accomplish baby changes

until you access agreement mode. Use the configure terminal command to get

into agreement mode. Again, your alert will change to appearance privilege:


There are about 100 curve of commands, so it is not adapted to

show them all here. Unlike a Cisco router, for which there are added modes,

these are all the modes that occur: you accept no rights, you are somewhat protected,

or you are alteration the configuration. However, agenda that if you are in

configuration mode, your appearance commands are still available.

The PIX additionally food antecedent commands you’ve executed. Use the appearance history

command to see what you’ve executed.This affection is accessible in two ways: One,

if you are borderline what you accept accomplished so far, is to attending at the appearance history

command to see what you’ve done to date.A added accepted use is back you

have lots of agnate commands.You can use the Up Arrow key to see the previous

line in your history and again use the basal commands (covered in the following

section) to adapt the band and resubmit it.


The PIX firewall provides advice functionality congenital into the command-line

interface. Use the catechism mark key (?)—it is your friend. At any point,

pressing ? will advice you complete your commands. In addition, a “man

page” functionality is congenital in. For example, if you appetite to ping something

and forgot the syntax, try ping ?. If you don’t bethink what the

ping command does, try advice ping. This provides not alone acceptance but

description and syntax issues.