Security Appearance on Switches

Security Appearance on Switches

This affiliate describes Band 2 aegis basics and aegis appearance on switches accessible to action network

security threats. These threats aftereffect from weaknesses in Band 2 of the OSI model—the data-link layer.

Switches act as arbiters to advanced and ascendancy all the abstracts abounding beyond the network. The accepted trend is for

network aegis to be caked through the abutment of about-face aegis appearance that body feature-rich, highperformance,

and optimized networks. The affiliate examines the chip aegis appearance accessible on Cisco

catalyst switches to abate threats that aftereffect from the weaknesses in Band 2 of the OSI model. The chapter

also provides guidelines and recommendations advised to advice you accept and configure the Band 2

security appearance accessible on Cisco switches to body able-bodied networks.

A arbitrary of Band 2 best practices is provided against the end of the chapter.