Technology Prefix with Hop–Off

Technology Prefix with Hop–Off

The added gateway-type affection is the adequacy to force a hop-off to a accurate zone.

Normally, back an endpoint or aperture makes a alarm acceptance appeal to its gatekeeper,

the attendant resolves the destination abode by aboriginal attractive for the technology prefix.

When that is matched, the actual cord is compared adjoin accepted area prefixes. If

the abode resolves to a alien zone, the absolute address, including both technology and

zone prefixes, is beatific to the alien attendant in a Location Appeal (LRQ). That remote

gatekeeper again uses the technology prefix to adjudge which of its gateways to hop off.

The area prefix determines the acquisition to a zone, and the technology prefix determines

the aperture in that zone. This behavior can be overridden by advertence a affected hop-off

zone with a accurate technology prefix. This armament the alarm to the defined zone,

regardless of the area prefix in the address.