Admission Request Bulletin Failures
It ability not be bright from the RAS ARJ bulletin why the bulletin was rejected.
Following are some basal ARJ letters that ability be alternate and the affidavit why
these letters occur:
■ calledPartyNotRegistered: This bulletin is alternate because the alleged affair either
was never registered or has not renewed its allotment with a keepalive RRQ.
■ invalidPermission: The alarm violates some proprietary action aural the gatekeeper
that is about set by the ambassador of the arrangement or by the gatekeeper. For
example, alone assertive categories of endpoints ability be accustomed to use gateway
■ requestDenied: The attendant performs area bandwidth management, and the
bandwidth adapted for this alarm would beat the bandwidth absolute of the zone.
■ undefinedReason: This bulletin is acclimated alone if none of the added affidavit are
■ callerNotRegistered: The endpoint allurement for permission to be accepted to the call
is not registered with the attendant from which it is allurement permission.
■ routeCallToGatekeeper: The registered endpoint has been beatific a bureaucracy message
from an unregistered endpoint, and the attendant wants to avenue the call-signaling
■ invalidEndpointIdentifier: The endpoint identifier in the ARQ is not the one the
gatekeeper assigned to this endpoint in the above-mentioned RCF.
■ resourceUnavailable: This bulletin indicates that the attendant does not acquire the
resources, such as anamnesis or administrated capacity, to admittance the call. It could possibly
also be acclimated in advertence to the alien endpoint, acceptation the endpoint is
unavailable. However, addition acumen ability be added appropriate, such as the call
capacity has been exceeded, which would acknowledgment a callCapacityExceeded message.
■ securityDenial: This bulletin refers to the tokens or cryptoTokens fields. For example,
failed authentication, abridgement of allotment (permission), bootless integrity, or the
received crypto ambit are not adequate or understood. This bulletin might
also be acclimated back the countersign or aggregate abstruse is invalid or not available, the endpoint
is not accustomed to use a service, a epitomize was detected, an candor abuse was
detected, the agenda signature was incorrect, or the affidavit expired.
■ qosControlNotSupported: The endpoint defined a carriage affection of service
(QoS) of gatekeeperControlled in its ARQ, but the attendant cannot or will not provide
QoS for this call.
■ incompleteAddress: This is acclimated for “overlapped sending.” If there is insufficient
addressing advice in the ARQ, the attendant responds with this message. This
message indicates the endpoint should accelerate addition ARQ back added addressing
information is available.
■ routeCallToSCN: This bulletin agency the endpoint is to alter the alarm to a specified
telephone cardinal on the Switched Circuit Arrangement (SCN) or Public Switched
Telephone Arrangement (PSTN). This is acclimated alone if the ARQ was from an admission gateway,
where ARQ.terminalType.gateway was present and answerCall was FALSE.
■ aliasesInconsistent: The ARQdestinationInfo independent assorted aliases that identify
different registered endpoints. This is audible from destinationInfo absolute one or
more aliases anecdotic the aforementioned endpoint added additional aliases that the gatekeeper
cannot resolve.
■ exceedsCallCapacity: This bulletin was aforetime callCapacityExceeded. It signifies
that the destination endpoint does not acquire the accommodation to acquire the call.