The Power of Self-Assessment
Self-assessment is decidedly able because you can do it amid official job reviews. This allows you to accomplish corrections after management's prompting. If you accept done your groundwork, and you accurately appearance your job as a affiliation amid you and management, you will accept a acceptable abstraction of what your bang-up is activity to analysis you on.
If you are honest, you apparently apperceive what your bang-up will focus on during his assessment. A few times back counseling technologists on their careers, I accept heard about a poor achievement review, with the agent accusatory that he did not apperceive what his bang-up was attractive for.
I accept to acquaint it to you straight. For all the times I've heard this, I am assertive that it is rarely the case. What makes a acceptable artisan is not mysterious:
Mastery of the abilities bare to accomplish the abject functions of the job
The adeptness to finer plan and acquaint the assignment to be done
The accommodation to assignment finer with administration and coworkers
Outside of these key ideas, little addition is required.