Gateway-Controlled MGCP T.38 Fax Relay
In gateway-controlled mode, a alarm abettor uses the fx: addendum of the bounded connection
option (LCO) to acquaint a aperture how to action a call. Gateways do not charge instruction
from the alarm abettor to about-face to T.38 mode. This approach is acclimated if the alarm abettor has
not been upgraded to abutment T.38 and MGCP interworking, or if the alarm abettor does not
want to administer fax calls. Gateway-controlled approach can additionally be acclimated to bypass the message
delay aerial acquired by alarm abettor administration (for example, to accommodated time requirements
for switchover to T.38 mode). If the alarm abettor does not specify the approach to the
gateway, the aperture defaults to gateway-controlled mode.
In gateway-controlled mode, the gateways barter NSEs by assuming these steps:
1. Acquaint the associate aperture to about-face to T.38 for a fax transmission.
2. Either accede the about-face and the address of the aperture to acquire T.38 packets
or announce that the aperture cannot acquire T.38 packets.