DSP Acreage Agreement Commands for Enhanced Media Resources
Prior to creating a DSP acreage profile, you charge to accredit the DSPs for DSP services. You
do this in the corresponding articulation agenda agreement mode. After you accept enabled DSPs for
media resources, you can configure a DSP acreage contour for conferencing, transcoding, or
as an MTP. The commands appropriate to accomplish this antecedent DSP acreage agreement are
provided in Table 2-16.
DSP Acreage Agreement Commands
Command Description
voice-card aperture To access articulation agenda agreement approach and configure a
voice card, use the voice-card command in all-around configuration
dsp casework dspfarm The router charge be able with one or added articulation network
modules that accommodate DSP resources. DSP resources
are acclimated alone if this command is configured for the particular
voice card.
dspfarm contour profile-identifier To access DSP acreage contour agreement approach and define
{conference | mtp | transcode} a contour for DSP acreage services, use the dspfarm profile
command in all-around agreement mode. To annul a disabled
profile, use the no anatomy of this command.
If the contour is auspiciously created, the user enters the
DSP acreage contour agreement mode. Multiple profiles
can be configured for the aforementioned service. If a contour is
active, the user will not be accustomed to annul the profile.
The contour identifier abnormally identifies a profile. If the
service blazon and contour identifier are not unique, a message
is displayed that asks the user to accept a different
profile identifier.
You can accept the contour blazon by application one of these
■ To actualize a appointment bridge, use the conference
■ To actualize a transcoder, use the transcode option.
■ To actualize a media abortion point, use the MTP
Within the DSP acreage configuration, you charge to specify the accurate codecs and maximum
number of sessions. This agreement anon affects the cardinal of required
DSPs, so ensure that the agreement matches the architecture specifications.
You additionally charge to accessory the DSP acreage contour with SCCP. This is done application the associate
application sccp command. The DSP acreage agreement approach commands are provided
in Table 2-17.