One of the Wireless Internet technologies on the near horizon
is Multimedia Messaging (MMS). MMS is an application that
uses a data call to a wireless device that delivers a message
capable of incorporating any of the following in an organized
and choreographed presentation:
• Pictures
• Data
• Text
• Audio
• Video
• Voice
Whereas SMS messaging typically uses a digital control channel,
MMS will be one of the first applications that make use of the
carrier’s higher speed data capabilities available in 2.5 and 3G systems.
MMS will take advantage of combinations of media to allow
users to communicate with more detail, emotion, and efficiency.
It’s important to understand how wireless mobility adds value to
multimedia by allowing the timely exchange of information.
MMS will be used to communicate in ways that even a digital
voice call can’t achieve. Though many of us have tried to
explain the sights and sounds around us while on a simple
voice call we can agree that the effect is poor at best. Just as
SMS will be the first nonvoice communications most of us
encounter, MMS will be one of the first 3G communications
we use in a wireless fashion.