Protocols and Standards-BGP PAs-

This area lists added capacity and facts to annular out the advantage of the capacity in this chapter.

Unlike best of the Cisco Press Assay Certification Guides, this “Foundation Summary” does not

repeat advice presented in the “Foundation Topics” area of the chapter. Please booty the

time to apprehend and abstraction the capacity in the “Foundation Topics” area of the chapter, as able-bodied as

review items acclaimed with a Key Topic icon.

Table 11-12 lists some of the key RFCs for BGP.

Table 11-13 lists the BGP aisle attributes mentioned in this chapter, and describes their purpose.

Table 11-12 Protocols and Standards for Affiliate 12

Topic Standard

BGP-4 RFC 1771

BGP Confederations RFC 3065

BGP Avenue Absorption RFC 2796

MD5 Authentication RFC 2385

Table 11-13 BGP PAs

Path Aspect Description Characteristics

AS_PATH Lists ASNs through which the avenue has been


Well known


NEXT_HOP Lists the next-hop IP abode acclimated to ability an


Well known


AGGREGATOR Lists the RID and ASN of the router that

created a arbitrary NLRI

Optional Transitive

ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Tags a arbitrary NLRI as actuality a arbitrary Able-bodied known


ORIGIN Value implying from area the avenue was

taken for bang into BGP; i(IGP), e (EGP),

or ? (incomplete information)

Well known


Foundation Arbitrary 395

Table 11-15 lists some of the best accepted Cisco IOS commands accompanying to the capacity in this


Path Aspect Description Characteristics

ORIGINATOR_ID Acclimated by RRs to denote the RID of the iBGP

neighbor that injected the NLRI into the AS



CLUSTER_LIST Acclimated by RRs to account the RR array IDs in

order to anticipate loops



Table 11-14 lists and describes the methodes to acquaint entries into the BGP table.

Table 11-14 Summary: Methods to Acquaint Entries into the BGP Table

Method Arbitrary Description

network command Advertises a avenue into BGP. Depends on the actuality of the configured

network/subnet in the IP acquisition table.

Redistribution Takes IGP, static, or affiliated routes; metric (MED) appointment is not


Manual summarization Requires at atomic one basal subnet in the BGP table; options for

keeping all basal subnets, suppressing all from advertisement, or

suppressing a subset from actuality advertised.



Requires a absence avenue in the IP acquisition table, additional the redistribute


neighbor defaultoriginate

With the alternative avenue map, requires the avenue map to bout the IP routing

table with a admittance activity afore announcement a absence route. Without the

route map, the absence is consistently advertised.

Table 11-15 Command Advertence for Affiliate 11

Command Command Mode and Description

aggregate-address abode affectation [as-set]

[summary-only] [suppress-map map-name]

[advertise-map map-name]

[attribute-map map-name]

BGP mode; summarizes BGP routes, suppressing all/

none/some of the basal subnets

auto-summary BGP mode; enables automated summarization to

classful boundaries of locally injected routes


Table 11-13 BGP PAs (Continued)

396 Affiliate 11: BGP

Command Command Mode and Description

bgp client-to-client absorption BGP mode; on by default, tells a RR server to reflect

routes abstruse from a applicant to added clients

bgp cluster-id cluster-id BGP mode; defines a nondefault RR array ID to a

RR server

bgp amalgamation identifier as-number BGP mode; for confederations, defines the ASN used

for the absolute AS as apparent by added autonmous systems

bgp amalgamation aeon as-number

[... as-number]

BGP mode; for confederations, identifies which

neighboring ASNs are in added amalgamation subautonmous


bgp log-neighbor-changes BGP mode; on by default, it tells BGP to actualize log

messages for cogent changes in BGP operation

bgp router-id ip-address BGP mode; defines the BGP router ID.

default-information arise BGP mode; appropriate to acquiesce a changeless absence avenue to

be redistributed into BGP

default-metric cardinal BGP mode; sets the absence metric assigned to routes

redistributed into BGP; commonly defaults to the IGP

metric for anniversary route

distance bgp external-distance internaldistance


BGP mode; defines the authoritative ambit for

eBGP, iBGP, and locally injected BGP routes

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}

default-originate [route-map map-name]

BGP mode; tells the router to add a absence avenue to

the BGP Update beatific to this neighbor, beneath the

conditions set in the alternative avenue map

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}

description text

BGP mode; adds a anecdotic argument advertence in the

BGP configuration

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}

ebgp-multihop [ttl]

BGP mode; for eBGP peers, sets the TTL in packets

sent to this associate to article beyond than the default

of 1

neighbor ip-address | peer-group-name


BGP mode; causes IOS to displace the NEXT_HOP PA

to the IP abode acclimated as the antecedent abode of

Updates beatific to this neighbor

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}

password string

BGP mode; defines the key acclimated in an MD5 assortment of

all BGP letters to this neighbor

neighbor ip-address peer-group peer-groupname

BGP mode; assembly a neighbor’s IP abode as part

of a associate group

Table 11-15 Command Advertence for Affiliate 11 (Continued)

Foundation Arbitrary 397

Command Command Mode and Description

neighbor peer-group-name peer-group BGP mode; defines the name of a associate group

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}

remote-as as-number

BGP mode; defines the AS of the neighbor

neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name}


BGP mode; administratively shuts bottomward a neighbor,

stopping the TCP connection

neighbor [ip-address | peer-group-name]

timers keepalive holdtime

BGP mode; sets the two BGP timers, aloof for this


neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address | peergroup-

name} update-source interface-type


BGP mode; defines the antecedent IP abode acclimated for

BGP letters beatific to this neighbor

network {network-number [mask networkmask]

[route-map map-tag]

BGP mode; causes IOS to add the authentic prefix to

the BGP table if it exists in the IP acquisition table

router bgp as-number Global command; defines the ASN and puts the user

in BGP mode

synchronization BGP mode; enables BGP synchronization

timers bgp keepalive holdtime BGP mode; defines BGP timers for all neighbors

show ip bgp [network] [network-mask]

[longer-prefixes] [prefix-list prefix-list-name |

route-map route-map-name] [shorter prefixes


Exec mode; lists capacity of a router’s BGP table

show ip bgp injected-paths Exec mode; lists routes locally injected into BGP

show ip bgp neighbors [neighbor-address]

[received-routes | routes | advertised-routes |

{paths regexp} | dampened-routes | received


Exec mode; lists advice about routes beatific and

received to accurate neighbors

show ip bgp peer-group [peer-group-name]


Exec mode; lists capacity about a accurate associate group

show ip bgp arbitrary Exec mode; lists basal statistics for anniversary BGP peer

Table 11-15 Command Advertence for Affiliate 11 (Continued)

398 Affiliate 11: BGP

Memory Builders

The CCIE Acquisition and Switching accounting exam, like all Cisco CCIE accounting exams, covers a fairly

broad set of topics. This area provides some basal accoutrement to advice you exercise your anamnesis about

some of the broader capacity covered in this chapter.

Fill in Key Tables from Memory

Appendix E, “Key Tables for CCIE Study,” on the CD in the aback of this book contains abandoned sets

of some of the key arbitrary tables in anniversary chapter. Print Appendix E, accredit to this chapter’s tables

in it, and ample in the tables from memory. Accredit to Appendix F, “Solutions for Key Tables for CCIE

Study,” on the CD to analysis your answers.


Next, booty a few moments to address bottomward the definitions for the afterward terms:

path attribute, BGP table, BGP Update, established, iBGP, eBGP, EGP, BGP, peer

group, eBGP multihop, free system, AS number, AS_PATH, ORIGIN,

NLRI, NEXT_HOP, MULTI_EXIT_DISC, LOCAL_PREF, acquisition atramentous hole,

synchronization, confederation, avenue reflector, amalgamation identifier, sub-AS,

route reflector server, avenue reflector client, avenue reflector nonclient, confederation

AS, amalgamation eBGP, weight

Refer to the comment to analysis your answers.