Using Virtual Templates
You want to configure dial backup by using virtual templates.
Virtual templates provide another way of configuring a central dialup host router:
dialhost#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
dialhost(config)#username Router1 password dialpassword
dialhost(config)#interface BRI0/0
dialhost(config-if)#no ip address
dialhost(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
dialhost(config-if)#dialer pool-member 1
dialhost(config-if)#isdn switch-type basic-ni
dialhost(config-if)#isdn point-to-point-setup
dialhost(config-if)#isdn spid1 800555123400 5551234
dialhost(config-if)#isdn spid2 800555123500 5551235
dialhost(config-if)#ppp authentication chap
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink
dialhost(config)#interface Dialer1
dialhost(config-if)#no ip address
dialhost(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
dialhost(config-if)#dialer idle-timeout 300
dialhost(config-if)#dialer-group 1
dialhost(config-if)#no peer default ip address
dialhost(config-if)#ppp authentication chap
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink
dialhost(config)#access-list 101 deny eigrp any any
dialhost(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any
dialhost(config)#dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
dialhost(config)#router eigrp 55
dialhost(config)#interface Loopback1
dialhost(config-if)#ip address
dialhost(config)#interface Virtual-Template1
dialhost(config-if)#ip unnumbered Loopback1
dialhost(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
dialhost(config-if)#ppp authentication chap
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink load-threshold 50 either
dialhost(config)#virtual-profile virtual-template 1
Virtual templates allow you to dynamically create virtual interfaces for dial purposes as they are required. This is only a benefit on routers that need to support several simultaneous connections, particularly when these connections are spread across several physical interfaces. So the ideal situation for using this configuration is a central dialup host router for a large enterprise WAN. Virtual templates are also useful in networks where large numbers of remote users dial in for access, such as in Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks.
Virtual templates are also useful in Frame Relay and ATM networks, where you can configure dynamic Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) connections. And you can also use virtual templates for Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) connections when you need to use a nonstandard Layer 2 encapsulation such as PPP. We discuss these scenarios further in Chapters 10 and 16.
Compare this recipe to Recipe 13.2, where we first introduced the idea of a dialer interface to support multiple connections. In this case, our physical interface is an ISDN BRI, rather than a PRI, but in either case you could use one or several interfaces of any type that supports dialing. The first difference you should notice is that we have not configured an IP address on the Dialer interface:
dialhost(config)#interface Dialer1
dialhost(config-if)#no ip address
This is because we intend to dynamically generate virtual interfaces, which will hold the IP address information. In fact, we have created a new Loopback interface to carry the IP address for all of these virtual interfaces:
dialhost(config)#interface Loopback1
dialhost(config-if)#ip address
dialhost(config)#interface Virtual-Template1
dialhost(config-if)#ip unnumbered Loopback1
dialhost(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
dialhost(config-if)#ppp authentication chap
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink
dialhost(config-if)#ppp multilink load-threshold 50 either
The configuration of the Virtual-Template interface includes all of the relevant PPP and IP information, including configuration for PPP multilink. The router will clone this Virtual-Template to create new virtual access interfaces as it needs them. Some of these virtual accesses may use PPP multilink so span several physical interfaces, so we need to include this configuration here.
Then we need to use the virtual-profile command to allow the router to use this template whenever it needs to dynamically create interfaces:
dialhost(config)#virtual-profile virtual-template 1
The final argument to this command, 1, specifies the Virtual-Template1 interface configuration.
This router can now dynamically create virtual access interfaces as it requires them. Look at the output of the show ip interface brief command when there are no calls connected:
dialhost#show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up
Serial0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
BRI0/0:1 unassigned YES unset down down
BRI0/0:2 unassigned YES unset down down
Virtual-Access1 unassigned YES unset down down
Virtual-Template1 YES TFTP down down
Dialer1 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
Loopback0 YES NVRAM up up
Loopback1 YES NVRAM up up
After we bring up remote dial connection, you can see that the router has dynamically generated a new interface called Virtual-Access2:
dialhost#show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up
Serial0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
BRI0/0:1 unassigned YES unset up up
BRI0/0:2 unassigned YES unset down down
Virtual-Access1 unassigned YES unset down down
Virtual-Template1 YES TFTP down down
Virtual-Access2 YES TFTP up up
Dialer1 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
Loopback0 YES NVRAM up up
Loopback1 YES NVRAM up up
You can use the show vtemplate command to get additional information and statistics on your virtual templates:
dialhost#show vtemplate
Virtual access subinterface creation is globally enabled
Active Active Subint Pre-clone Pre-clone Interface
Interface Subinterface Capable Available Limit Type
--------- ------------ ------- --------- --------- ---------
Vt1 1 0 Yes -- -- Serial
Usage Summary
Interface Subinterface
--------- ------------
Current Serial in use 2 0
Current Serial free 1 1
Current Ether in use 0 0
Current Ether free 0 0
Current Tunnel in use 0 0
Current Tunnel free 0 0
Total 3 1
Cumulative created 6 8
Cumulative freed 3 8
Base virtual access interfaces: 1
Total create or clone requests: 4
Cancelled create or clone requests: 0
Current request queue size: 0
Current free pending: 0
Current recycle pending: 0
Maximum request duration: 8 msec
Average request duration: 4 msec
Last request duration: 8 msec
Maximum processing duration: 8 msec
Average processing duration: 4 msec
Last processing duration: 8 msec
This output shows that there is currently one virtual template clone in use, and that the router has created such cloned interfaces four times since it last booted. The structure of this output varies drastically, depending on which IOS version and feature set you have installed in your router. The above example shows a Version 12.4 IP Base image.