Configuring the Cisco IDSM Sensor

Configuring the Cisco IDSM Sensor

Before we attempt to configure the IDSM v1 sensor, we need to verify that we have the correct hardware and software for the IDSM to function. The following are required:

  • Catalyst OS 6.1(1) or later

  • PFC for the VACL feature

  • Supervisor 1A or 2

  • MSFC or MFSC2 (this is optional)

In order to configure IDSM-1, you will treat the IDSM sensor much like any other blade on the switch. You can access the blade through a Telnet session or through the management port. Once the IDSM is configured, you can configure the IDSM sensor to be accessible directly by Telnet instead of Telneting to the switch and then using the session command. To begin the configuration, we will first Telnet to the switch and start by using the show module command on the switch to see where the IDSM sensor is located in the chassis. We also want to verify that the module is powered up and enabled. In Figure 6.2, we see that the module has just been powered up and is coming online.

Start Figure
switch>(enable) 2003 Jul 13 03:30:25 PDT -07:00 %SYS-3-SUP_
ting IDSM Diagnostics
switch>(enable) 2003 Jul 13 03:31:05 PDT -07:00 %SYS 3SUP_
OSBOOTSTATUS:IDSM diagnostics completed successfully.
2003 Jul 13 03:31:14 PDT -07:00 %SYS-5-MOD_OK:Module 4 is online
2003 Jul 13 03:31:14 PDT -07:00 %SYS-3-MOD_PORTINTFINSYNC:Port Interface
in sync for Module 4
2003 Jul 13 03:31:14 PDT -07:00 %PAGP-5-PORTFROMSTP:Port 4/1 left bridge
port 4/1
2003 Jul 13 03:31:15 PDT -07:00 %DTP-5-TRUNKPORTON:Port 4/1 has become
dot1q trunk
2003 Jul 13 03:31:15 PDT -07:00 %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTP:Port 4/2 joined bridge
port 4/2
2003 Jul 13 03:31:15 PDT -07:00 %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTP:Port 4/1 joined bridge
port 4/1
End Figure

Figure 6.2: The IDSM Sensor Initializing and Coming Online from Bootup

If you had needed to power up the module, you would first use the show module command to get the module number and then use the set power up command to turn the module power on. In Figure 6.3, we see the results of show module.

Start Figure
switch>(enable) show module
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type Model Sub Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- ------
1 1 2 1000BaseX Supervisor WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE yes ok
15 1 1 Multilayer Switch Feature WS-F6K-MSFC2 no ok
2 2 48 10/100BaseTX Ethernet WS-X6348-RJ-45 no ok
3 3 16 1000BaseX Ethernet WS-X6516-GBIC no ok
4 4 2 Intrusion Detection Syste WS-X6381-IDS no ok
:::output truncated for brevity:: :
End Figure

Figure 6.3: The show module Command Results


If the status of the module reads "other," then the IDSM sensor is not online yet.

In this example, we see that module 4 is our IDSM sensor and that the status is listed as "ok." It has power and is enabled at this point. Now we can connect to the module by using the set-based command of session .

switch>(enable) session 4

When you use the session command, it starts a process that will act like a Telnet session and give us access to the IDSM sensor module. We have to log into the IDSM sensor and this requires a user ID and password. Since this is a new configuration, the default user ID of ciscoids and the password of attack will be used.

The Cisco IDSM sensor has three command modes to work with. The following list shows us the three modes and what we can do in each mode:

  • Exec This allows the administrator to perform commands such as reboot, setup, show, and shutdown the IDSM sensor.

  • Configuration This mode allows the administrator to change the password, assign Telnet access, upgrade IDSM signatures, and add or remove service pack.

  • Diagnostic This mode is how the administrator can upgrade the sensor, use network commands such as PING, show communication with the nrconn command, and show various reports.

To start configuring the IDSM sensor, we will use the command setup. This will walk us through all the parameters that the IDSM sensor needs in order to have its initial configuration completed. In Figure 6.4, we see the various parameters we will be prompted to configure for the IDSM sensor.

Click To expand
Figure 6.4: Using the IDSM setup Command for Initial Configuration

This configuration is the same that we have read about and used in earlier chapters of this book for the more traditional Cisco IDS sensor appliances. We will be configuring an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for the sensor. Then we will assign a host name for the sensor, a host ID, the post office protocol port, and the organization name/ID. We then need to configure the director information since we cannot manage the IDSM sensor from the command line. It requires the director.


In the IDSM software version 4, there is now a CLI to manage the IDSM sensor. This version of software cannot run on the old style IDSM version 1 sensor. Thus, for the current Cisco certification test, there's no way to manage the IDSM sensor from the command line.

In Table 6.1, we see the list of parameters and the values each needs in order to be configured.

Table 6.1: Listing of Cisco IDSM Sensor Setup Parameters

Cisco IDSM Setup Parameters


Description of Parameter

IDSM Virtual Terminal UserID

default is ciscoids

IDSM session user ID

IDSM Virtual Terminal Password

default is attack

IDSM session password

Sensor IP address

IP address

IP address of the sensor

Sensor Subnet Mask

Subnet Mask

Subnet Mask of the sensor

Sensor Default Gateway

Default Gateway

Default Gateway for the sensor

Sensor Host Name

Name of the Sensor

Sensor Host ID


Numeric ID of the sensor

Sensor Host Postoffice Port

<1–65535> default is 45000

Postoffice protocol port to use

Sensor Organization Name

ID of a group of Cisco IDS devices

Director IP Address

IP address of the Director device

Director Host Name

Name of Director Device

Director Host Postoffice Port

<1–65535> default is 45000

Postoffice protocol port to use

Director Heart Beat Interval

<1–65535> default is 5

System heartbeat to monitor routes

Director Organization Name

Name of Director case sensitive


Director Organization ID


ID of Director Organization


For the Director and sensor name, you can have up to 255 characters. They are case-sensitive and spaces are invalid. The "_" and "-" are acceptable to use.

Once all the information is entered, we need to save it to the IDSM sensor. In Figure 6.5, we see the final screen before the information is saved and applied along with the warning of the required reboot. This reboot betrays the Windows pedigree of the Cisco IDSM sensor.

Click To expand
Figure 6.5: Final Configuration of IDSM Sensor before Application and Save


The 4.0 IDSM sensor code for Version 2 sensor does not use the Postoffice protocol. Instead, it uses Remote Data Exchange Protocol (RDEP).


Once the initial configuration of the IDSM is completed, there are some concepts that we need to know about when working with the IDSM. One of these is the Virtual Lan Access List (VACL). This is an ACL applied to a VLAN. To configure the VACL, we take the following steps:

  1. Create a VACL that can capture interesting traffic

  2. Commit the VACL to memory

  3. Map a VACL to the VLANs

  4. Assign the sensor monitoring port as a VACL capture port.

VACLs are one of two methods used to capture traffic for analysis on the switch. The second way is to use SPAN to mirror VLANs to capture the traffic. The VACL offers a much more granular approach to the capture than SPAN. A critical point to remember is that VACLS have the same implicit deny at the end that other ACLs have. All traffic that does not match the VACL will be dropped.

In order to configure the IDSM to do something useful like examine traffic, we need to perform a series of tasks. One of the first tasks is to initialize the IDSM, which includes the configuration of the post office parameters by using the setup command. We just completed that task, so we move on to the second step of assigning the Command port to the VLAN that will allow communication to the Director. This is accomplished by the set vlan command on the switch. This is where it is helpful to have two Telnet sessions open on the switch. There would be one Telnet session for configuring the IDSM module and one Telnet session for configuring the switch itself. We will configure the 6500 switch to capture traffic for the IDS by using either SPAN sessions, VACLs, or MLS IP capturing, depending on the configuration of the switch.

The set vlan command is used as the following to assign the command and control port to a VLAN:

set vlan  

The parameter is the number identifying the VLAN we want to place the port into. The parameter is the slot number of the module that has the ports to be included in the VLAN. The src_port is the actual port to be placed in the VLAN. The command will look like this:

switch>(enable) set vlan 1 4/2

This will assign VLAN 1 to module 4 and port 2, which is the command and control port. This assumes the director is on VLAN1. If the director is not on VLAN 1, then we need to have routing enabled between VLAN 1 and whatever the VLAN is that the director is located on.