Virtual LANs (VLAN)

VLANs provide the means to logically group several
end stations with common sets of requirements.
VLANs are independent of physical locations,
meaning that two end stations connected to different
switches on different floors can belong to the
same VLAN. Typically the logical grouping follows
workgroup functions such as engineering or
finance, but this can be customized.
With VLANS it is much easier to assign access
rules and provision services to groups of users
regardless of their physical location. For example,
using VLANs you can give all members of a project
team access to project files by virtue of their
VLAN membership. This ability also makes it easier
to add or delete users without rerunning cables
or changing network addresses.
VLANs also create their own broadcast domains
without the addition of Layer 3 devices. 64