Service providers or carriers have existed in the past by charging
for voice calls made on systems that use licensed spectrum.
The cost of this spectrum is increasing, with huge amounts of
money being paid for 3G spectrum to enable high-speed data
services in addition to quality voice calls.

But licensed spectrum won’t be enough for the service
operator of the future. Value for wireless consumers will come
from carriers that can provide end-to-end connectivity across
both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. As wireless connectivity
becomes more of a commodity, carriers will focus more on
other aspects of service such as security, privacy, storage, and
network intelligence features.
As we move towards 3G another type of service provider
model will emerge, the Mobile Virtual Network Operator
(MVNO). MVNOs will own no spectrum but will own or operate
switches, customer care and billing systems that connect
into another provider’s radio system.