WebVPN Global Commands

WebVPN Global Commands
Command Description
accounting-server-group Assigns a preconfigured accounting server group to use with
authentication Assigns an authentication mode for WebVPN users.
authentication-server-group Assigns a preconfigured authentication server group to use
with WebVPN.
authorization-server-group Assigns a preconfigured authorization server group to use with
authorization-required Requires users to successfully authorize to connect.
authorization-dn-attributes Identifies the DN of the peer certificate to use as a username for
default-group-policy Assigns the name of the group policy.
default-idle-timeout Sets the default idle timeout.
enable Assigns WebVPN to a specific interface.
http-proxy Sets the proxy server for HTTP requests.
https-proxy Sets the proxy server for HTTPS requests.
login message Sets the HTML text that prompts a user to log in.
logo Sets the logo image displayed on the WebVPN login and home
logout message Sets the HTML text that prompts a user logging out.
nbns-server Sets a NetBIOS server for CIFS resolution.
username-prompt Sets the prompt for a username at the login page for WebVPN.
password-prompt Sets the prompt for a password at the login page for WebVPN.
title Sets the title HTML string for the WebVPN home page.
title-color Sets the color of the title bars on the login, home, and file
access pages.
Command Description
text-color Sets the color of the text bars on the login, home, and file
access pages.
secondary-colors Sets the color of the secondary title bars on the login, home,
and file access pages.
secondary-text-colors Sets the color of the secondary text bars on the login, home,
and file access pages.