filter url Command Parameters

filter url Command Parameters
Parameter Description
http Specifies that the filtering be applied to port 80
port Specifies that the filtering be applied to whatever port (or port range) is
specified by either port or port-port
local-ip Specifies the source IP addresses for which filtering will be applied
local-mask Specifies the network mask for local-ip (note: using specifies all
foreign-ip Specifies the destination IP addresses for which filtering will be applied
foreign-mask Specifies the network mask for foreign-ip (note: using specifies all
allow Allows the connection to pass through the firewall without filtering if the
filtering server is unavailable
proxy-block Prevents users from connecting to an HTTP proxy server
longurl-truncate Causes the Cisco Security Appliance to send only the host name or IP
address portion of the URL for evaluation to the URL-filtering server,
when the URL is longer than the maximum length permitted
longurl-deny Denies outbound traffic if the URL is longer than the maximum permitted
cgi-truncate Sends a CGI script as the URL