Example 5-2. Turning on URL Filtering
router(config)# ip inspect name firewall http urlfilter |
A more detailed discussion on URL filtering is beyond the scope of this chapter. For more details, refer to the following URLs:
One final and important point on IP URL filtering: User-based restriction is not possible with N2H2. However, it is possible with Websense because Websense has a mechanism for getting the username to correspond to an IP address. In addition to recognizing the users based on IP, Websense also can redirect the users for authentication before permitting the access to the website.
This concludes the discussion on security services that are provided by the CBAC for the single channel protocols. In the following sections, you will learn some of the security features that are applicable for both single- and multi-channel protocols. But before that, it is important to re-visit the discussion of multi-channel protocols.